§*Chapter 60*§

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Haley watched from where she stood, leaning against the door as Anyae began to wake up. Her head felt heavy and was pounding from the strength of the chloroform she was knocked out with. She jerked in her binds as she felt fingers gently trace her jaw.

"Oh good you're starting to wake I was worried for a second..."

Anyae squinted up at the man who stood before her. He was tall, and slightly built. His eyes were a light blue and his hair was black and wavy. He had a slender nose and full pink lips, a real handsome dude but she wasn't focused on that. The fingers that were tracing the line of her jaw gently held her chin while he examined her face.

He was staring at her like she was the most rarest woman he ever had the privilege to lay eyes on. It was intense as fuck and made her kind of uncomfortable. She eventually ended up breaking eye contact with him.

"You truly are a thing of beauty Anyae..."

Anyae's eyes grew wide as she stared up at him,"How do you know my name?"

The man laughed as he circled the chair she was tied to," I have been keeping an eye on you beautiful. You and that sad excuse of a man you call your husband."

Anyae felt anger at the comment and was quick to correct him about it,"My husband isn't a sad excuse of anything! The only sad excuse of a man is you!"

Haley felt hot fury boil up within her and without thinking about it she stormed across the room and slapped the girl. Anyae's head was whipped to the side from the force but before she could spit at the bitch, the man grabbed Haley by the throat and slammed her against the wall. Haley clutched and clawed at the offending fingers but he squeezed tighter as she gagged and choked under his bruising grip. As he leaned in his lips curled back into a snarl,"Don't you ever touch her again! Do you understand?!"

Haley gasped for air as her face gradually began to turn red. "Y-Yes! P-please!?!" she wheezed and once she replied he let go. Anyae watched as Haley dropped to the floor, clutching her throat and coughing. Tears streaked down her red face and once she looked away from the man, she glared hatefully at Anyae. Adriano turned his back to Haley and focused all of his attention back onto his captive.

Anyae was slightly freaked out by how quick he went from 0 to 100 then right back to 0. It was...unsettling to say the least. His expression was now one of worry and his eyes were focused on her reddened cheek. She tried not to cringe as he reached out his hand and lightly stroked the warm mark on it.

He huffed in irritation and frowned,"Forgive her, her manners need some revisiting. She won't harm you again."

She was beginning to feel uncomfortable with how intensely he was staring at her and so she focused her attention on a darkened corner of the room. He ran his hands over her arms and Anyae cringed away from him. Adriano looked at her with saddened eyes and then just like that the look flickered away and into a more optimistic one.

"It's ok I know you still haven't gotten over Macheibriegh. So I'll give you time to get him out your system first."

Then he stroked her head affectionately and left out the room. Anyae looked after him in bewilderment and then her eyes dropped down to Haley who was silently sobbing on the floor. She picked herself up and then with one last jealous look at Anyae, stormed out of the room.

Anyae closed her eyes hoping Constantine would come quick and save her from this wacko. Before her mind could wander to anything else the weird dude came back and untied her hands and wrists. Confusion struck at her mind and before she could think of what he was doing he answered.

"I have decided that I would allow you freedom only down here. I don't see the point of keeping you strapped to a chair when all I have to do to keep you here is lock the door."

Anyae decide to keep quiet and instead of provoking the loon just bide her time till she could escape. As soon as he untied her he looked at her hopeful and expectant but Anyae just rubbed her wrists and focused her gaze on the wall. She could see a muscle twitch in his jaw and a slight look of irritation play on his face before it switched back to warm and inviting. He gave her a small smile and nod then left out the room and after the click of the lock she decided to move. Her eyes swept throughout the entire basement for something to pick the lock with later on. But then she remembered.....my hairpins! Once she made a mental of them for later on she decided to catch a nap and went to go lay on the couch against the far side of the wall. Not much to do but wait until the right time to use them....I got time for a nap or two....
Anyae grabbed the thick blanket that lay on the couch and curled up under it and drifted off to sleep thinking of Constantine.

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