§*Chapter 56*§

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The next morning Anyae got up, she was seething. She barely got any sleep at all last night because of Mr. Tightass. She wanted to punch the bastard in his throat and ban him from sleeping in their bedroom with her after the stunt he pulled last night. She had needs damn it and he couldn't just play with her emotions and then leave her horny and wanting like that. Part of her wanted to just stay in her room all day and refuse to leave out but she decided against it. She gave a long sigh and went to go take a nice long shower.

Afterward she just threw on some sweats and a tanktop then pulled get hair into a messy bun and headed downstairs. As she was heading down she was hit with the smell of bacon. Anyae bit her lip and followed the smell into the kitchen. The sight that greeted her nearly made her trip upon walking in.

Constantine was dressed in sweats too but he was shirtless and he was cooking breakfast. His back was muscular and looked almost wet like he just got out the shower. Anyae bit her lip, her eyes were just starting to trail lower when he turned his head to look at her. She was going to say something but her mind flashed back to last night and instead she pursed her lips, rolled her eyes and walked up to grab a plate of food. Before she could go sit in the living-room he grabbed her wrist.

"Lotus, I'm sorry I left you like how I did last night. So to make it up to you I decided to spend a day out with you. I'm taking you to the fair!"

Anyae's eyes lit up in excitement. Anger forgotten, she hugged him tightly and kissed all over his face. He laughed and waited till she got done to talk.

Once he cut the stove off and plated his food he gave her his full attention. "It starts at eleven twenty so we have three hours until it's time to go. But I have some rules. One don't go anywhere unless I am with you, two you can't be on your phone, and three if you have to go to the bathroom tell me before you go okay?"

Anyae nodded and lay her hand on his cheek. "Thank you for this Con..."

He smiled back at her and kissed the tip of her nose. Then he walked into the living room with her and sat with her to eat. Constantine could barely concentrate on eating when she was practically bouncing in the seat. He could loose himself in that beautiful smile of hers but he quickly finished off his food and got up to put his plate away.

"So....Con what are we going to do until the fair?"

Hearing the question she called out, he made his way back into the living room and rejoined her on the couch. He raised her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. "We can watch a movie."

"What movie?"

"Any movie you want Lotus."

Anyae finished her food and went to go put away her plate too. When she came back instead of sitting beside him she chose to sit on his lap. Instead of protesting he surprised her by pulling her further back into his chest, wrapping her in his embrace, and nuzzling his face into her neck. Constantine hummed against her neck and deeply inhaled the watermelon, coconut, and vanilla scent of her hair. Anyae smiled and grabbed the remote to pick a movie. Once she picked one, she lay her head against Constantine's and began to focus in on the movie. Internally he couldn't help but hope that after their day out together that she would forgive him for yesterday. All if this went right....but with her there was always some sort of fail in the plan. He sighed and kissed her ear, all the while thinking to himself 'God I hope this works...'

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