§*Chapter 39*§

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"Dominic! Good to see you again."

Dominic Luchi grinned at Constantine,"As it is to see you my friend."

Dominic had sat across from him at the table,"So to what do I owe this visit."

"You have heard of my fiancée yes?"

"Yes the Dupre girl, daughter of Wendell Dupre. Why?"

"Someone placed a hit on her mother and it was carried out two days ago."

Dominic gave Constantine a look of sympathy and anger,"Was the girl there to see it happen?"

His expression turned grim,"Unfortunately yes, she wasn't inside the room to watch it being carried out but she was there to hear the gunshot."

"Cazzo... Where is the girl now?"

"I sent her out with my cousins and her friends to the beach. For the past two days I've been distracting her from thinking about it."

"Has it worked?"

"So far yes but I can't make her forget it...she'll always remember."

"Well do you at least know who ordered the hit?"

"No. But I believe Wendell has something to do with it."

"Her father?! But why?"

"Because Wendell is addicted to gambling. She's with me because of him. He borrowed money from me to place a bet on a boxing game and lost the money I lent him. He was in debt with not just me but Adriano, and two other people like me. He bargained his daughter to pay off the debt to me."

Dominic sat back in awe of the whole situation,"Does she know?"

"No and I intend to keep it that way."

"Constantine....don't you think you should tell her this. She does have a right to know."

"She does but it's not my truth to tell. Her father is the one who should tell her not me."

"But what if she finds out?"

Constantine sighed,"We'll just have to cross that bridge when we get there."

Dominic shook his head in disapproval,"So then what does all this have to do with me?"

"I know you have eyes back home. I need them to keep a close eye on Wendell and who he owes and meets with. Keep me informed about every move he makes."

"I can do that."

Constantine stands from his seat,"Good."

Dominic gave him a pat on the shoulder and shook his head,"I hope you know what you're doing with her."

Constantine watched as Dominic left the room and after letting out a deep breath he murmured,"I hope I do too...."

There was a knock on the door.
It was Anyae....she came back early....

Constantine opened the door as Antoni, Luca, and Anyae's friends waved goodbye to her.
She stepped in, shut the door, and hugged him.

"You missed me that much?"

She nodded and looked up at him,"I got lonely..."


She followed him to the bed and he pulled a beautiful china urn from out of the closet.

"Since we couldn't have a funeral we cremated her and I chose to put her ashes in this urn for you. I didn't want to give it to you in front of your friends because I know you don't like crying in front of people...."

Anyae slowly took the urn from him and pressed it against her chest. All of her joy had come crashing right back down. She felt guilty and soon she was crying again. Constantine took the urn and set it on the nightstand.

He felt terrible now, to have her joy melt away hurt him, to see her depressed hurt him, having to see her sobbing hurt him.

He could think of no words of comfort to say so instead he let his actions speak for him and engulfed her quaking body in his arms.

They stayed like this in a comfortable silence with him rocking her until she stopped shaking.

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