§*Chapter 34*§

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On the way to visit Mrs.Dupre Constantine hadn't been able to get a word out of Anyae. She had ignored him completely and was giving him the silent treatment. She's frustrated and horny...good serves her right..

Once they got to the treatment center she was heading to her mom's room when a loud gunshot sounded from it. Anyae screamed when she saw a large man leaving her mother's room with a gun. Constantine pushed her to the floor and shot the man then calmly grabbed her arm and hauled her up and into the room.
"Stay here and lock the door, I'll be back. Understand?"

She nodded numbly as tears fell down her face. Doing as he said she locked the door behind him and look towards her mother's bed. Her mom lay with a peaceful look on her face, still as if she were sleeping. He killed her in her sleep... The bullet wound lay directly between her eyes, ending her quickly. It was done executioner style... Anyae had shakily walked over to where her mom lay and hugged her still body. She couldn't help but cry. This was all her dad's fault. Not hers. He stole their money, he left them, he bargained for her to pay off his debt. His. Fault.

Her chest felt as if it we caving in on itself. I couldn't save her...my mom is dead because of him. My life is over and my Mom is gone..
Anyae could hear screams and gunshots in the background but she tuned everything out. All she could hear now was her own sobs. She tightened her hold on her Mom and rocked her back and forth in her arms. The blood was getting all on her clothes but she didn't care. She started humming and stroking her hair, replaying memories of them together when she was young. She would never get that back now...and it was all because of him.

Anyae barely registered the door being opening and hadn't looked up once. She knew who had come in the room but she didn't care to look. Constantine now stood before her, his eyes holding anger, remorse, and sadness. As much as he didn't want to he knew they had to go. It was imperative that neither of them be around when the police came.

"Lotus....we have to go."






Constantine sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Listen to me
Lotus. I know you don't want to leave her I know but baby we have to go now. I gave you what little bit of time with her that I could manage so that you could say your goodbyes. Now it time to go."

Anyae sniffed and lay a kiss on her mother's cool forehead. "Okay....let's go..."
Constantine took her hand in his and pulled her along with him out and to the back exit of the building. There was a car there waiting. He pulled her into the car and they quickly pulled off down the road. She sighed and looked out the window for a while just zoned out.

"We're going to have to fly out for a few days.."

"Fly where?"

He didn't answer and instead turned his attention to the window.

"We'll have to have our wedding there."


"Calm down it'll be a private affair. Our only witnesses will be my two cousins and your friends."

She looked like she was about to protest but Constantine pulled her close and shushed her with a light kiss on the forehead.

"I know you're still heartbroken over your mom. That's why I decided to make the wedding private. It'll be quick I promise and I'll help with the funeral and everything. You just have to trust and believe me when I say it will get better from here. It won't happen overnight but just know that I'll be here for you every step of the way. "

It seemed like the moment he said that to her she broke. Anyae's fragile composure shattered like glass under pressure. She leaned into him and just cried.

He pulled her closer and wrapped her tightly into his embrace, just rocking her and rubbing soothing patterns into her back. He didn't say a word but inside he was angry, and feeling very vengeful. He would find the man who was responsible for this for her and his sake both.

He had to....

A Love Too CorruptWhere stories live. Discover now