§*Chapter 4*§

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After Gavin left Anyae began to spring clean the house. Just stress cleaning and more stress cleaning until it hit 3:45pm. Deciding to at least get dressed she went back up to her room and put on a white flowy skirt, a white halter tank, white sandals, a silver and gold ankle bracelet, and a gold tummy chain. After braiding her hair back into two ray-ray braids she went back downstairs to start back cleaning but when she got down there Constantine was sitting on a stool, his eyes set dead on her.

Anyae's eyes widened,"When did you...nevermind."

Constantine slowly rose and approached her like a predator stalking prey. Anyae backed up a bit but then stood still and watched riveted as he made his way up to her. "Uh...wh-why are you here now? I...uh...t-thought you weren't coming til later on?"

Constantine arched one dark brow at her,"I told you the time did not matter, that you needed only to be ready when I arrived."

Anyae looked down and played with her fingers,"Oh...yeah I forgot..sorry.."

An awkward moment of silence began to settle between them. Constantine's eyes slowly roamed over her curvaceous slim body unconciously.

"Who is Gavin Tutter to you?"

"Bestfriend since second grade."

"You are aware that he doesn't like to think of you as just a friend are you not?"

Anyae paused for a moment,"Yeah...but I think of him like a big brother to me."

Constantine grabbed her hand and pulled her along with him to her room and for a moment Anyae panicked, her hand positively electric within his and her body engulfed in heat yet again. "Uh wait I'm not ready for that yet!!!"

Constantine looked back at her and cocked his head," I'm not going to touch you I'm merely making sure Brian and the rest of my idiots listened to me when I gave them an order."

He opened the door and looked inside her room, eyes jumping to and fro. Anyae's dresser drawers were open and all empty, her closet barren, her shoes gone and her hats and bags were nowhere to be found. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" Ignoring her sudden ouburst Constantine's eyes landed atop her dresser where her beige MK bag lay and in two strides he had crosed the room and swiped the bag off the top of it. "Hey!" Constantine walked out of her room still carrying her bag and tugging her by her wrist. "My stuuuuff.."

Constanine sighed slightly annoyed yet mildly amused.

"You're things have already been moved to my home so all you needed to bring was yourself."


Afterward she grew silent. Locking the door after her she reluctantly followed behind him. Slowly she stepped away and made a move to run but ran into a muscular chest and fell flat on her ass. After she stood she looked up to see a heavy set man with a blond low haircut, and brown eyes. He raised one eyebrow at her and gave one nod behind her. Uh oh... On instinct she felt someone was behind her and gradually she turned around, her heart dropping to the pit of her stomach. Constantine was striding towards her, his eyes cold and angry yet his face expressionless. The man behind her grabbed her arm tightly and walked her towards the waiting truck.

Anyae's outfit in M.M

A Love Too CorruptWhere stories live. Discover now