*Chapter 77*

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Anyae had been spring cleaning with her music on when she got a call from Hamani.

*********Phone Convo*********


"Hey girl!"

"Hey Hamani! How you doing!?"

"Girl good, look come over. I'm bored and we need a good catch up. You, me, and Tahnah."

"Oh my gosh, yes! Ok I'm on my way!"

"Alright A baby see you when you get here!"

*******End of Phone Convo******

It had been a little minute since everyone hung out together. So when Hamani suggested they do so, Anyae didn't hesitate to say yes. She found herself excited and quickly got ready. On Constantine's end he was just pulling up to his parents when he got a call from his uncle.

**********Phone Convo********


"Constantine. Where are you?"

"I'm at my parents...why?"

"Your father would like to talk to you.


"Here he is now."



"Constantine. Your mother was taken... Listen to me carefully son. Knowing you, you'll want to go along but I need you to stay and look over your own. Do you understand?"

"So... basically you're asking me to sit on my haunches and do nothing?"



"There will be no fighting this boy..Your mother would want the same. We only have one child and we would hate for something to happen to you. It would be ashamed to leave that girl a widow so early in your marriage..."

"That's it then huh? I have no say in this at all?"

"No. Now get back home to your wife and leave this to us."

******End of Phone Convo*******

Constantine grudgingly grit his teeth as he silently considered his father's words.

I don't want to accept it but logically he is right. No one is watching over her while you're gone. Who's to say something would happen while you were here....

Realization struck hard as he got back in the car already making the driver kick the engine in gear. In his anger and distraction, he didn't think about the danger Anyae may be in alone. He couldn't forgive himself if something happened to her..So he forced himself not to think about that. Though the car was practically speeding, the ride felt much longer than it was. As soon as the car stopped at his destination, he got out and ordered the rest of the men home.

"Just keep an ear out and eyes open, preferably to your phones."

Turning back he headed inside as they pulled off, an uneasy feeling beginning to creep up on him. Everything seemed fine. The door was locked, there looked to be no sign of a break-in, and everything looked the same as when he left. But Anyae...she didn't come down the stairs and he didn't hear her playing any music. All was silent. Then he heard something from the garage. So he stealthily snuck towards the source and Anyae jumped the moment she spotted him.

"Oh my gosh! What the fuck!?"

Constantine smiled and she found herself glaring at him angrily,"Why are you lurking around the house like that?!"

As he opened his mouth to answer the ringtone of her phone cut him short. His eyes were quick to dart to her and narrow dangerously,"Who is it Anyae?"

His voice was low and quiet like a storm without thunder. His wife found herself biting her lip and showing him the caller ID. His eyes quick darted from her to the phone as she watched his face. It remained cold and his jaw even tightened. His reaction had her heart shooting up into her throat. What the hell was this?!

"Constantine...what's wrong?"

But the response she got had her almost too worried. He met her eyes with a hard gaze and spoke in a commanding tone of voice.

"Pick up the phone and tell her you stopped by the store to pick up some things."

She answered and when Hamani asked after her, the lie rolled smoothly off her tongue. Hamani accepted the excuse without question and after telling her to hurry up she hung up. Anyae reluctantly dragged her eyes up to his and bit her lip nervously as he glared at her phone.

She felt like she was missing a fair bit of info and needed to be filled in. But Constantine turned and walked back into the living room. She watched as he took a seat and called someone. The phone call was quick and after he made his call he looked over at her.

"Why did I just lie to my best friend Con? What's going on? What happened while you were gone?"

His eyes narrowed and a look of quiet rage took up his face,"Your best friend planned to kill you the moment you reached her house."

A Love Too CorruptWhere stories live. Discover now