*Chapter 70*

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Valentina pov
Finally! I managed to track that little slut and Constantine down! I saw them going into a spa, she was practically glued to his damn arm. A stupid smile on her face and a charming grin adorning his. Sooner or later I'll get him to delight in me like that, but before that could happen that bitch had to go. I left and snuck inside once I was sure they were gone, making my way over to the receptionist. I knew to anyone else what I was doing seemed crazy but that was to anyone else. In my mind what I was doing was perfectly understandable. I had to do this!

If I didn't I stood to lose the wine company, my grandfather's trust, and my mother's respect. Certain things just had to be done for the sake of other people's success. That's just the way of the world. This was just one of those moments.

End of pov
Constantine held back the smile that was threatening to overtake his lips again. Anyae looked absolutely overjoyed at the surprise. He had come up with the idea of going to the spa two days ago when he'd learned about the party. So after pulling some strings he got them a free appointment courtesy of the owner of the building. Plus this visit with the prospect of an impending baby, was a great idea to help keep her relaxed. As the spa staff were getting them situated his thoughts led him back to Anyae. How she would look full term?

As for the woman in question, she was completely over the moon. They were both told their treatments for today and separated to receive them. His was a mud bath and sauna session. Her's was a facial and a massage. Before she was led away from him she cast him one last look, promising a reward when they finished with the party. Led off to the mud bath he felt good but also kind of uneasy for some reason. Anyae on the other hand felt excited. The first treatment she was going to was the massage therapy but as she was being led there, another figure followed silently behind.

Le Time Skip*

Valentina stood over the unconscious spa masseuse and quickly walked into the room. She spotted Anyae laying on the massage bed with a towel covering her from chest to toe. This felt perfect. It was almost surreal how easy it had been to infiltrate this place. Now or never this was her chance. Careful not to tread to heavy Valentina crept closer to Anyae. Anyae headbutted Valentina and tackled her straight to the floor. Valentina backhanded her and once she recovered from the slap, Ms. Macheibreigh punched her square in the stomach. The other woman folded over in pain and let out a sob as she fell to the floor.

Anyae wiped the blood from her lip and kicked her in her side,"You know you are really terrible at tailing people. You don't think I peeped you following us before I got in this massage room. Or the fact that my masseuse took to long to come back?"

Valentina tried to curl in on herself. So Anyae picked her head up by her hair and began to beat her repeatedly in her face. The brunette screamed out in pain and anger then tried to grab at her hands. All of a sudden there was shouting and commotion outside the massage room before Constantine bust in the door. Both women snapped their heads towards him as he angrily stalked forward. Neither woman paid attention to what he carried in his hands as he approached them both.

Anyae was frozen in place because of his expression and Valentina by how scared she became. Constantine was staring at them both before he looked at his wife. Without sparing the other woman anymore glances, he gently pried her hands off of the girl. At first she was pissed and was just about to give him the third degree when Valentina tried to rush towards them. Ms. Macheibreigh felt her temper flare up worse but before she could react her husband whipped around and knocked her clean out.

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