§*Chapter 7*§

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Constantine pulled down her panties and drew his hand all the way back, bringing it down on her ass. The sound of his palm coming in contact with it resounded around the kitchen. The moment his palm landed the first blow Anyae gave a shout and immediately began to squirm.

He continued to deliver blow after blow each time the sharp burning pain spreading over her bottom. Anyae bit down hard on her lip as she continued to count off each blow in her head. Damn him....I just know he's fuckin enjoying this.. the perverted arrogant fuck! This thought made her angry and she continued to fight and kick. But his grip on her only tightened.

After a while Anyae's yelling and squirming began to turn into silent tears and defeated stillness. The whole while he spanked her he remained silent. Secretly although she refused to admit it she was beginning to immensly enjoy it. Yes...in some weird twisted way she found it....hot. A low whimper escaped her lips as he gradually began to stop. In total Anyae had counted out thirty one blows to her aching backside and she had no doubt that by the afternoon her ass would be covered in handprints, courtesy of Mr.Tightass.

Constantine finally pulled her skirt and her panties
back up her body and slowly he held his hand out,"The phone if you please..."

Anyae glared never taking her eyes off him and placed her phone in his hand. Constantine maintained their intense stare down and unlocked her phone. Anyae looked on in anger, embarrassment, and disbelief as he dialed a number and raised the phone to his ear,"Hello....yes I was calling to place an order...Egg Fo Yong, Sesame Seed Chicken, and Shrimp Fried Rice with two large iced teas..cash..delivered...that'll be all thank you." With that he ended the call and repocketed the device.

Anyae stopped glaring now and was playing with her hands while looking at the floor.

"D-did you or-,"

"Yes I ordered that for you."

"Oh..." A moment of silence began to settle over them as Anyae looked anywhere but at him.

"So....why did you take my phone?"

"For you're wellbeing...you don't necessarily know everything about us Macheibreighs yet, this being the reason why you can't just go calling any and everybody..you could slip and say one wrong thing and all hell would rain forth piccola..."

Anyae nodded but then gasped and yelped in pain then moaned loudly when he reached behind her, squeezed at her ass rather harshly and gave it a hard slap. "Another thing cara, never question me...." Though he said this in an eerily quiet manner, his tone alone made her whimper and shot a shiver straight down her spine.

Letting go of her ass he left her in the kitchen alone, ass still throbbing, and pouting over her phone.

Well....at least I'm still getting my chinese... At that though a happy grin broke out on Anyae's face once again.

Kitchen in M.M

A Love Too CorruptOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz