Markos Amanodel: LII

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Fallout of Weirdbottle: LII

"Did you all really have to rob him?" Alekzandr inquired with a sigh. Markos smiled while they rode in the cart, he began getting a sneaking feeling that something was wrong.

"Of course we did!" He exclaimed, he shivered a little, that spell was so cold.. Markos hated it, that freezing sensation in which his body had been overcome with. He hated the cold, the feeling of helplessness while he laid on the ground unable to aid his allies. "Afterall if we didn't, who was going to take his things?!" Asher and Alekzandr sighed in tandem.

"I'm just glad that dumbass is dead.." Asher admitted, Markos noted how relieved Asher had seemed when the gnome finally died. It was such a narrow window.. The crack between Andraste and the door frame, it was all he could see throughout the whole fight, Asher had let loose throwing krono clones everywhere. His echo knights. Markos couldn't recall the last time he had seen Asher use his echo knights or the last time he actually needed them. "Honestly I was really worried for all you back there.. You looked pretty hurt.. Unlike me, who was in fact not hurt because I can dodge." Asher let out a hearty laugh at the other's expense.

The fact Asher had switched to his original swords however, was the most incredible part.

"Yeah yeah, well at least we didn't stay outside like.. Someone." Adleth shot back. Markos saw her glare at Alekzandr from the back of the cart. Alekz gave a shrug in defense.

"Comrade, I was watching our flank! We needed to ensure no allies would show up to Skeemo's rescue." Alekzandr rebutted. Adleth rolled her eyes like the answer didn't matter to her. Quite frankly Markos agreed with her, he had seen the fight Alekzandr should have shown up with all the noise they caused.

"So we got a cart now.. What's the plan?" Herod jogged parallel to the wagon, running along the side of the cart trying to keep up with the slowed horses. "Get some chicken? Kill some whores? Honestly I'm on top of the world!" Herod exclaimed a few people gave visible looks when he announced killing whores.

'Let's kill the whores! Sacrificing them to her!' Markos silently told the voice to shut up, that was something Herod would do. Not him. 'You should eat.. She's worried about you.' Markos slammed his right palm against his face. The burning sensation of smacked flesh woke him up a little, 'no. no. no. She doesn't care.' He cursed at himself. 'Does she care?' He asked next. Damnit!

"What is it with you and Chicken?" Riu asked, she looked surprisingly good for the end of that fight.. Her eyes.. They were brighter. Markos was deeply concerned for her, everything she had said.. How badly she wanted revenge, well now she had gotten it. However he was unsure how long that satisfying feeling would last. Revenge.. Was a temporary fickle thing, Markos knew all too well; revenge was something your heart growls for like a sick dog wishing for red meat, yet once you kill one person.. Once you take that first ounce of revenge..

'She's waiting for you Amanodel' Markos slammed a fist against the cart in anger. You would never be able to satisfy it. 'I hate you.' he told that stupid voice.

"I just like chicken! That and orange juice.. And stopping the unholy practice of premarital sex, or sex without the intentions of marriage."

"I.. dude.." Adleth chuckled, "Honestly.. You are such an easy going guy, how is it you're also a weird backwards zealot?" Markos saw offense in Herod's eyes but he just cracked a grin. Herod had grown up with a whore mother.. Something he was never proud of.. So to be a warlock of a anti sex god? Kinda made sense. Though Markos was unsure how much of Herod's story he believed, for all he knew the warlock lied a lot.

"We can worry about Zealotry later.. Look." Markos turned his gaze to Alekzandr's attention to see what the old drunk was talking about. Only a few meters away Markos could see a figure standing before Trollskull manor his eyes angry and seeded, his blonde hair in a small mess tucked under his crossed arms. The figure standing with a lute behind him was Davil Starsong.

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