Riu Astrial: LXXI

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Lifting the Mask: LXXI

Riu took a deep breath of fresh morning air. Summer was always the loveliest of times. That's what her father used to say, before.. Yeah. she took a barefooted step out of her room, and onto the balcony located so close by.

"Wakey wakey Kuro." She whispered softly and waved a hand allowing the arcane misty blue and white energy to spill from it. Like a mixture of clouds and hurricanes, the staticy magic opened a pocket dimension in which Kuro happily flew out.

'Mad.. lonely..' Riu was hit suddenly by the emotions of her familiar, why.. Was he upset? She wondered. The blue and black dragon flapped about the room before arcing through the doorway spinning around the balcony.

"Hehe, cute Kuro.." She giggled at the dragon spinning on his back as he soared through the air. He was such a gentle little thing. She held out a single hand waiting for her small friend to land on her palm. It took several minutes, numerous backflips and a plethora of stretching on the house's roof. "Come here little guy.." Riu offered up her hand again, and finally the dragon relented. He plopped down in the grasp while she rapidly moved to grab his fat ass with both hands, the dragon lazily rolling in her arms like a kitten. The morning air was warm and sensual like a soft breeze against your face. Waterdeep got hot in the summer but the morning's and nights were just barely warm. Like a gorgeous crack in the oven just a little bit toasty with calm winds from the seaward to cool you down.

'Leave.. Alone.. Mean..' Kuro's thoughts were projected to her once again. Ok ok, she relented she probably should take him out more often, but it wasn't her fault really. They get distracted as a party sometimes. Was she really above that?

"Let's go, you party pooper." She said at last, Riu got dressed quickly, her hair still wet from the shower she had before she deployed her familiar. She opened her door to the hallways of the second floor. Walking carefully she passed by the open door of Asher, his room was situated next to hers however she didn't need to pass it unless she intended to go down the stairs as the room was only actually accessible through the den. Curiosity got the better of her, or as Eroh'wis would say; a quick few flaps of the wings is a tug in the right direction- Selune, was her Aunt really that bad with metaphors? She relented and crooked a head through the opening. The room inside was.. Tidy, far better than she expected. The far back corner had two large windows with a big bed between them silver in correlation, his choice probably. On its right was a large dark glossy wooden table; a night stand, Riu thought Asher was right handed.. Perhaps not? On its surface she spotted his iconic metallic and porcelain mask, she had never actually seen it separated from him, it was so odd to see it lying on the table. The mask was shaped to cover the face quite perfectly with its lower guard being golden and patterned after a skull's jaw examining its surface showed the thick roots of bone it tried to imitate. While its upper half above the jaw resembles more of a porcelain face with the eyes of a wolf. It didn't have any glass over the eyes, just narrow slits. On the sides of his table she could spot his two long swords both bearing the mark of some sigil she couldn't recognize.. One side an odd double sided E with an X throughout it.it appeared to be some kind of hourglass; 

it appeared to be some kind of hourglass; 

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