Asher Exitium: LXXIII

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Uncovering the Truth: LXXIII

"They wanna see me.." Asher muttered to himself, holy shit, by all the gods, by fucking Ares himself.. They wanted to see him. It.. it was surreal crap, it was amazing.. He repositioned himself while walking through town. Now wasn't really the time to get super excited, convincing Markos that the two of them should leave Waterdeep would be a task and a half so for now he'd focus on something easier.. Like.. solving this stupid map thing. It was nagging at him, he could be a little bit obsessive at times. Asher paced up and down the streets, if the Gralhunds had actually known about the damned fireball, perhaps they were in league with the attackers. Urstul was spotted on the scene.. So it stood to reason that they were working with the Zhentarim. 'No.. no..' He thought, if that was the case why were they attacked? The soft click of cobblestone under his shoes was the only audible noise that morning while he entrenched himself. If all of this were true.. 'They.. they killed those fucking kids for..' He didn't even know what. He had a location, a time, the ability and yet there was still no motive. A puzzle piece to elude him. Unless.. He turned on his heels and began sprinting, his dual longswords clattered on his back. He could write a letter back to his kids any time. Exitium. He could not forget the good name of Exitium, he had a duty and a responsibility to investigate this. He turned one corner and then another. Once he had visited a place there was no removing its directions from his memory. The morning dew air hung over him like a blanket. It was chilling yet warm.

"Whoa watch it sir-" He ran past a woman carrying a bag of bread rapidly wrapping around the streets. Off in the distance he saw his objective, the bearer of secrets. How couldn't he see it before? The Gralhund Villa. Something fishy was going on inside, and he was going to find out what. The house was magnificent, sitting upon a large open green grassy field. Along it were hedges that now, after the recent fight, had been trimmed to perfection depicting numerous animals; in one corner he saw a deer trampling a goose while a wolf bit its wing, in another it looked like an almost demonic cat being beheaded by a swan. Jeez he hated rich people, they didn't even know when they were buying bad hedges. The house in the distance was built up with two stories and several landings along with numerous windows. Asher's in.

"This has got to be the dumbest of jobs." Asher stopped in place, slinking himself behind the giant fence to the sound of voices. The wall perimeter of the household is good for keping most out, but it also served as a place to push against when trying to hide.

"Yeah well, it is what it is, Jarinok.." A second voice rang out. Asher grinned, placing a hand against the wall he looked steadily for something to use to climb. He already scaled the fence once.. But he had assurance no one saw him that time. So then this time, he'd need a little help..

"Eseno.. Echo." Asher muttered a small incantation, his magic didn't need many.. But he wanted to start the process early. No down side to that. Instantly his body split into two, a past echo of himself appeared. Krono stasis magic, his echo cupped its hands and offered Asher a boost, he happily accepted. Being flung over the wall he carefully grabbed the top and somersaulted over. "Nice.." He waved his hand dismissing his echo.

"You hear anything?" The voice of the guard named Jarinok said something spectavily, Asher crouched down; the lack of light in the morning was a nice addition for stealth.

"Oh for the love of.. No I don't hear anything Jarinok, I know it's boring but don't act like an idiot!" A small bashing sound of metal could be heard as the two of them skirmished a bit. Asher wasn't sticking around. He began making small rapid darts down the front yard. He rolled from one bush to the next. Running water was audible from the central water fountain. Now inside he got a better look at all the grass hedges. In the left side of the yard he saw just the oddest of art, a big green leafy squid wrestling with spider? Yeah these people definitely were the evil type. He dashed and jumped from one hedge to the next hiding. Making his way towards the front of the home where he knew he could see two guards positioned on either side. How to get past them though.. When he got to the base of the stairs he took a deep breath still hidden under the cover of various things. Asher took a quick glance up scanning the villa for entrances. Two on the roof.. One window is clearly open, but if he was right it was probably an occupied room by the small shifting shadows he could barely make out. Then there was the front door. Too obvious.. He placed his head back against the pillar of the entrance doorway, a large granite column which he may be able to climb. Should he have come alone? No this was good, only Vestus's armor could stay silent while he krept through. Asher placed a hand out and pointed at the opposite side of the entrance near more foliage and bushes with a rapid quick wave he willed an echo to appear over there.

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