Asher Exitium: LVII

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Tragedy of Da Belaya Kavir: LVII

Asher opened the door of the manor stepping aside to let everyone in. The time was nearly nine at night, and while Asher liked waking up early.. He did not like staying up late. The practice always upset his rhythm and with Ercelan attacks more common during the mornings Asher had been trained to enjoy an early night.

"Well that felt like a waste of time." Herod groaned coming through the door. Asher nodded in agreement it was mostly a waste of time. He looked over to Alekzandr waiting for some witty remark.. The old drunk usually gave one, but for the past day and a half he'd been pretty reserved. It concerned him.

"I wouldn't say it was a waste of time! More just.. A stop in our journey. There was Riu trying to make it all seem worth it. Asher gave her a dismissive smile, finally getting to walk into the manor himself. "So what's our plan?" Riu chirped, he questioned if there was a reason her voice sounded like a prostitute, soft, sultry and temptation ridden. 'It's probably got something to do with her mounting and straddling Alekzandr.. Wonder what I'd do if she did that to me..' He pondered.

"Well, obviously we have to go see that.. Villa, for the.. Gralhunds?" Asher replied, his voice a bit deeper, probably from the stress Asher thought. Riu made a sour face at that, he wasn't sure if she was just unused to people having immediate plans or unhappy going after other nobles.. He scoffed at both, in his experience nobles created weak children when they collapse.. Few of the kids ever.. Made it. Asher shook his head, it was not the time to think about that.

"I'm not sure if breaking into a noble's hold is the.. Best idea.." Riu muttered, Asher smiled; no shit. 'Oh wait, they can't see it..' he realized.

"Well It has to be done." Adleth interrupted, she was half way up the stairs apparently bored with the party's decision making speed. He agreed with her. "We're gonna go to that villa, find the fucker who blew up our windows and kill em. Now if you need me I'll be going to bed." Adleth hopped up the stairs, Andraste following her example. The tall elf woman looked sheepish and apologetic.

"I.. should probably get my rest.. If you all wish to go after some nobles.. That's a conversation for another day." Andraste confessed. Asher simply waved his hand in response.

"Um.. Riu?" Markos was so quiet you could barely hear him. "Could you show me how you used that spell.. The.. familiar one."

"Oh.. yeah of course." Riu spluttered, she seemed a tad on edge to Asher. "It's.. a pretty hefty ritual lets.. Go outback." Riu took Markos's small hand and led him into the warm backyard, it was a hell of a summer being this hot, the nights were stupidly warm as well!

"So just.. Us huh?" Asher asked, Alekzandr looked dead and Herod was clearly bored, while the soldier took a seat at the bar pouring himself a little bit of vodka Herod seemed to.. Fidget with something. Asher frowned, grabbing a bottle of whiskey from behind the counter he took a few sips and stepped towards Herod.

"It seems that way comrade.." Alekzandr let off a sigh which Asher assumed the nextdoor neighbors could hear. He made a mental note to talk with Alekzandr, when a brother was down the first priority was getting them back up. Herod sat at a nearby table messing with some book. Everyday Asher felt like this party was reminding him more and more of his family. Idiots picking at things, doing dumb shit, and getting themselves into trouble. Asher sat down shifting his mask around to make it more comfortable.

"What are you messing with Herod?" Asher requested. The book was probably about the size of a children's flip book but made of leather on its exterior, it reminded him of.. Asher pushed that away. Herod stared down at the thing with such intensity he assumed it would combust in flames.

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