Adleth: XCVII

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Another Way: XCVII

"So nice for you to finally join us." Adleth chuckled when Vestus left the shop after a long while. She wondered if he had decided to just start forging swords right then and there.

"Yes, well I was a little bit.. On edge." Vestus made a wide grin holding out his hands, it took Adleth a solid thirty seconds to get the dad joke.

"I say we kill him now." Herod whispered. She jokingly reached for her own dagger.

"Alright, so where to next?" Markos wondered, she got a good look around the party. Generally everyone looked pretty tired, mornings were just not for them.

"Well, I propose we head over to see your pig friend." Adleth pointed to the distance, she knew the general direction of the Yawning Portal. "And find out if we can get this little drow fucker's hand." She didn't find any better ideas. The pack of them started to head in that direction. While the setup for Founders day was beginning to look a lot more complete, they were nearing it. Founders day was on the first of Flamerule. So they had what..? Twelve more days till then? She walked through a courtyard. Children were flying kites as the morning became more warm. In one area she spotted an enormous sign. 'Opera held at Lightsinger theater, sponsored by Victoro & Amalia Cassalnter.' The thought of a bunch of nobles collected into one spot to watch a music show she was sure they didn't understand. Made her gag. Nobles came in either insufferable ugly people, or big tittied dumb people. She refused to find any inbetween.

"Why are we going to a bar? To find a guard?" Vestus puzzled. Adleth smirked, clasping a hand on his shoulder despite the fact he was much much taller than her.

"Because. When the pigs aren't stealing shit from ya, or busting kids for selling food without a license. They're spending whatever idiots pay in taxes here; on drinks." Adleth looked up smiling at the shining sign of the Yawning Portal.

"Let's go on in." Herod interrupted their stupidity. Adleth kicked open the door, the lack of light instantly hit her. The Yawning Portal felt perpetually at a state of night. With candle light and darker furniture it felt homey was that a word? Well it was fucking now. She swiped a beer off a venturing bar maiden and saw Herod do the same. Alekzandr on the other hand grabbed a drink from his pocket. Felt a bit scummy to bring your own drinks but alright, she thought.

"As far as I know I've never not seen him here." Markos explained. She wondered why the town's resident cultist.. Ok the one cultist without an actual cult with him, that was better. Would know the guards captain so damned well.

"That's quite odd- Oh, there he is." Riu jumped a little, she picked out a stray man in the crowd. Well that was a sorry sight, Adleth strolled through the bar, feeling the haggle of party members following her. Dear Corellon the combined mess of this group felt like utter chaos. Through the establishment she gave Jalester a sad look. The mid thirties battle scarred man looked like he was not doing so hot. His face was buried on the table, not to mention he was downing what looked to be his third beer. She made way for Markos to move up front. "Markos.. It looks like he's pretty stressed today, Don't stress him out any more." The Aasimar suggested sweetly. 'Fuck that!' Adleth thought. She wanted to see Markos be a dumbass.

"Ok! Thank you for informing me of this very important information." Markos replied chipperly. Adleth wished she had a way to capture these beautiful moments, like the moment Markos was stabbed by the guard.. The half-elf walked over and tapped Jalester on the shoulder. He was slow to react but eventually looked up, the party gathered around his empty table eyeing one another carefully. Yeah Jalester looked pretty rough today. It was what.. ten? In the morning, and he was already drinking?

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