Show Me... DaddyBre_

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Show me for DaddyBre_


As I drove home from school in my all black VW Golf 6 I had a lot of thoughts going through my head.

1.I'm having these dreams that be leaving me wet as fuck.

2. I been hearing my friends talkin about sex and well being 18 and a virgin I feel left out.

3. I wanna understand this but, how?.

I drove home in complete silence but these thoughts were loud enough to keep me entertained till I got home. When I reached home I noticed my parents weren't there yet but my older brother was. I parked next to his all black Range Rover Sport and walked to the passenger side to get my bag.

As I pulled out my bag a hook that was hangin from it scratched his car. It was a light scratch but still noticeable.

"Holy Shit! Aug gon kill me." I said to myself. I quickly walked into the house. I opened the door immediately hearing moaning coming from upstairs "OH MY GOSH AUGUST! AHHHHH."

I sighed then walked up the stairs to my room as them moans turned to screams and grunts from both of em. I sat on my bed just thinkin of what to do since I got no home work seeing its a Friday.

Minutes later I heard his bedroom door open and talking "Uh, imma call you aight?" He said lying to the poor girl. Maybe I could talk to him about the dreams I'm having seeing that he is.. U know, experienced.

I stood up removing my sneakers, pants and my shirt, replacing em with shorts and a fitted tank. I sat on my bed and thought about asking my bro bout this, it could work or he could think I'm a disgusting creep. I'm scared!.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door "Yea!" I said. Aug walked in wearing black sweats and socks, he looked high as mount Everest.

"Hey, when u get home?" He asked coming in and sitting on my desk chair.

"A few minutes ago" I responded still thinking if I should ask him.

"You.. Uhmm..." He struggled to ask.

"Yes Aug I heard, don't worry I won't tell on you" I said laughing a bit.

"Thank you, I owe you one." He said. And  that was my chance to ask him.

"Imma leave you to do what you was doing." He said standing up.

"Uhh, Aug wait, uhmm I need your help with something." I said nervously.

"What you need?" He asked. I looked at the ground and took a long breath.

"How does... Well..." I was so scared cause he might laugh or think I'm crazy. "Well, I wanna know about... Sex."

"What you wanna know?" He raised an eyebrow.

"How its like..." I said looking down coz I knew he was staring at me like crazy.

"You wanna know how sex is like?" He asked with the "let me get this straight.." Tone which made me feel stupid. "why?" He asked again.

"Well..... I've been having dreams that leave me completely drenched, and its not normal dreams Aug, its really heated dreams." I said to him already feeling a certain tingle between my legs causing me to cross them.

He chuckled, "So you want me to what? Show you or Something?" He questioned which I just nodded. "You still a virgin right?" I gave him the 'duh' face and he laughed throwing his hands up in surrender.

"I don't know Bree, we'll see tomorrow" he said getting up. He left and I laid back on my bed falling asleep.

I was woken up by my phone vibrating indicating a text...

Alsina imagines (On Hold)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora