Ass Whoopin 7

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Sometime we women do or say shit to men and think they'll just let us get away with it, and yes we do get away with it but sometimes...

I mean we talk back to them, by the way there is nothing wrong with that... Unless u do it at a wrong place at a wrong time or even in front of wrong people who are not meant to see it like kids or close friends and Family.

We even go far as putting our hands on them, which guarantees us a good ass whoopin..I guess what I'm tryna say is.. I got another one, in a diiferent way but will NEVER forget it... Let me tell you what happened.


"Happy birthday to youuuuu, Happy birthday to youuuuuu, Happy birthday to youuuuu dear mom and Shakeriaaaaaaaaaaaa, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOOOOOO YOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" My husband and my Tanya sang for us.

They sang so horribly I couldn't help but laugh at them. Aug can sing but Tanya was soooo off key she threw him off with her, no matter how hard he tried to bring her back it just didn't work.

"Tanya baby, what u planning on becoming when u finish school my angel?" Aug asked her placing his arm on her shoulder. I swear he stay treating her like a 5yr old.

"An Optometrist daddy." she responded with a big smile.

"Good! Cause baby ya can't sing to even wake the dead." He said as he walked away from her. The big smile on her face quickly faded and she pouted and furrowed her eyebrows together, "Tuck that lip back in and fix your face." He added as he took a seat between a wheezing Keria and I on the couch.

My baby has the flu and she's been on house arrest till she got better according to her father.

"Happy birthday my babies" Aug said and kissed us on our heads. We said our thank yous. Then Keria started coughing bad which caused me and my man to get up and sit on another couch.

"I hope you know you not going anywhere tonight right?" Aug asked.

"But da.." She tried to protest but he shut her down real quick.

"Save your energy, you already look like you're about pass out." I bust out laughing after he said that.

"Ma! Please talk to him..." She whined like a baby and before I could say anything he responded.

"What she going say cause she's also not going anywhere." He said with such a serious face.

"What? Why not?" I asked him and he looked at me like I done grew another pair of ears.

"Two reasons.. 1.Remember what happened last year? and 2. Cause I said so." He spoke as he flicked through channels. Now Keria and I were the ones pouting and scrunched up our faces. "Fix your faces please." He spoke still focused on the TV. At this point Tanya was in tears laughing.

"Daddy, can I go to Pepper's house?" She asked.

"Sure, go pack so I'll drop you off." He responded. Shakeria and I sucked our teeth and we stood up, I walked to the kitchen to take my antibiotics since I was also recovering from Flu and Keria walked up the stairs mad as hell.

We can't go nowhere and it's our birthday but Tanya can? Shit didn't make no kind of sense to me. I mean who tells a 37yrs old woman what to do? Clearly my knucklehead husband.

I'm pissed.

I mean I do remember what happened last year but come on August, you can't dwell on it for eternity.

Move on already!!

*3 hours later*

Here I am watching tv on my birthday  just cause mr control freak said no going out.

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