Beggin & Pleadin

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"Aug, please hear me out. I know i-"


He shut the door in my face as I was trying to explain my actions for the 50th time, he just ain't having it. To say I was behaving like mad person towards him is an understatement. I was a total lunatic, a lunatic to a person who didn't deserve it.

I mean I spoke to him like I lost my mind, came and went as I pleased, started receiving calls and going out from my male co-worker, stopped wearing my wedding band when ever I went out, stopped being intimate with him, I just simply didn't have time for him to say the least.

August is not the type to talk a lot, he sits back, observes what's taking place then he acts. And when he does act he makes sure you don't like it. I've been married to this man for seven and a half years I know him.

To tell you the truth I don't know what possessed me to start doing all these things. I truly don't know. He never changed from the August I fell for Nine years ago, instead he remained the same loyal, faithful, loving, caring and respectful man.

Really I don't know why I treated him so badly. I guess I got tired of him  and just wanted to experience something different and when I got attention from someone else I lost my mind. Lord, I sound so pathetic it should be a crime, I mean who gets tired of such a great man??? Dumb I tell you.

My husband finally got fed up with everything and told me to leave which I told him NO so he left saying he can't deal with my bullshit. He bought himself a fair sized apartment which he fully furnished... Which gave me the idea that this man was planning on staying here for good.

For months I've been trying talk to him, I called, texted, spoke to his mom, even went to his work place, hell was even thinking of writing him a letter which I decided against cause that would seem too desperate.

He knows how hard it is for me to utter the words "I'm sorry". I never used to have a problem with it but I felt like if I say it I am weak, and he's making it even worse by making me run after him.

"August, please listen to what I have to say. Give me just a minute of your time." I said on the other side of his door. "Please I'm begging you." I carried on with my pleading.

Silence consumed me for a minute and I just thought of leaving but that thought flew away when I heard the door opening.

"What do you want, Mikaylia?" He asked as he leaned on the door frame with his arms crossed gazing on me with low eyes.

"Can we please talk inside." I spoke softly scared that he might slam the door again. He remained quiet just looking at me probably debating whether to let me in or not but surprisingly he opened the door wider and moved away from it.

I hurriedly walked in the apartment before he changed his mind and the smell of a freshly lit blunt hit my nose so fast I regretted asking to come in and at that point I just knew I was in for something else.


"Sit." I said to her as I went to the kitchen to finish making my sandwich which consisted of French fries, fried eggs, ham, cheese and lettuce. A nigga was beyond starving and I was gathering my words to say to her so I stayed extra long in there. I had no type of patience for her at all and what she had to say to me.

I just wanted her to loose her damn pride and apologies not trying to explain something I don't give a shit about. She's running around a nigga for months but has never said she's sorry not once.

Now how you have patience for someone who can't get off their high horse even when they're in the wrong? Shit don't make no type of sense. I finished making my food then grabbed a beer out the fridge and went to my living room to find her sitting on the edge of the couch like she ready to run.

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