Ass whoopin 6

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"YN?" screamed my man from the kitchen.

"What?" I responded with a bit of attitude knowing that he hates it.

"Firstly, fix your tone. Secondly where the hell are my cheese sticks?" he asked as if I ate them.

"Who's cheese sticks are they?" I asked him.

"Mine." he answered not getting where i'm going with this.

I nodded my head "Exactly baby, now why you asking me?"

See August has this tendency of finishing his thungs then ask the next person as if we had them.

I know if he didn't have them, either Tanya or Shakeria had them, if they did...well they are about to witness hell on earth. After he didn't respond I got up from the couch to the kitchen where he was now making a peanut butter and jam sandwich. And it looked so very delicious.

"You've given up on the cheese sticks bae?" I asked opening the fridge to look for them for him, cause some times he would open the fridge and expect them to just scream for him from the back. Typical man.

"There's no point in looking for something that ain't there mama." He responded as he grabbed a bread plate. You could see the anger in his face, he loved his sticks more than anything else. I just know someone gonna get it if he really didn't finish them. it's not the first time the girls had his stuff without his permission.

The other day they had his last cold drink and he let it slide. See whenever he buys something for HIMSELF, DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT have it. Tanya is always the one having his stuff and he knows, he just don't wanna say nothing.

"TANYA! COME HERE."I screamed for her since Keria is not here. I heard her bedroom door open and her footsteps coming down the stares.

"Yes mom." She said coming in through the kitchen door, with the an empty packet of cheese sticks in her hand. Well then... now we know and the look on Aug's face was a killer.

"Umm... you had those honey?" Such a dumb question off coarse she did. She looked at her dad then me and before she could answer Keria walked in through the front door.

"I'M HOOOOOOOME!!"She screamed. Tanya took that to her advantage and ran back to her room. "Why is she running away?" Keria asked as she walked in the kitchen to greet her father.

"She did something." Aug answered walking to the fridge to get juice. Keria looked at me and laughed.

"Cheese sticks?" She asked. I nodded and walked away.



"Augussssssst.... baby you too deep.. ohhhh myyyy..." She moaned as I fucked her senseless. I had her flat on her stomach as I had my way with her from the back.

"You're so tight..." I said nearing my climax "I'M GONNA NUT............ SHIIIIIIT" I roared as I came inside my wife. She was tight like she ain't never had dick in her life and we've been at it for years. "Bae?" I called for her and she didn't reply. I guess I put her to sleep... Again.

As I was laying watching tv I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, and noticed it sounded like two different footsteps. I snuck out of bed and slowly opened my door and peeped out. I saw Keria's door close. I walked to her door and pressed my ear on it.

"What if your father catches us K? i don't wanna die." I heard a male voice ask.

"He's asleep baby don't worry. He has to be somewhere early tomorrow." she responded.

I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed. "You must have me fucked up the wrongest way your ass can possibly think of Shakeria."I said leaning on the door frame. "Get out my house son."I stepped aside for him to leave. I walked him to the front door and locked it then went to my room to get her old friend Mr leather belt.

I walked back to her room and she was still sitting on her bed ready for her lecture. As soon as I walked in she saw the belt and jumped to the other side of the bed. "DadI can explain. He nee..." I closed the door making sure not to bang it.

"Shut up! You brought a boy to my house? My house? Really?" I asked walking closer to her as she backed up to the corner.

"Daddy i'm sorry, he needed an place to cra..." she didn't finish I swung the belt at her bare thighs. why she gotta be wearing these tiny clothes everytime she gets it?

"IN MY DAMN HOUSE?" I swung it again "ON TOP OF IT YOU LIE AND SAY HE NEEDED A PLACE TO CRASH? WHAT YOU TAKE ME FOR?"I asked waiting for an answer which never came so I swung again.

"DADDY I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY, I'M SORRRRYYYYYY AAAAAHHHHHH!" She screamed and I swung harder.


"What's going on August?" My wife asked as she walked through the door.

"TELL HER!!" I yelled at Keria to tell her ma.

"I brought Deshawn home with me..." she informed her mom who just shook her head looking at the floor. "I'msorry daddy, I wont ever do it aga— AHHHH I'M SORRY!!" She screamed as I swung again. YN rushed to grab the belt out my hand.

"August baby... she's sorry ok, she apologises, she's sorry... " she turned to her "You're sorry right?" Shakeria said yes as she cried harder, "See she's sorry baby, she won't do it again. calm down please."she said as she grabbed both my hands.

"I'm not even angry at you Shakeria, I'm disappointed. You should know better." I said as I walked out her room leaving YN there who soon followed me to our room. "Help her find her own place to stay YN or I promise you I'm going to jail for assault." I sat on the bed as she followed behind me.

"Okay daddy, I will do that tomorrow." She said while massaging my shoulders. She started kissing my neck to calm me down, but not only was she calming me down, she was turning me on too.

"I see you want it again huh." I said tilting my head to the left to give her better access.

"Mmm, maybe." she said in her seductive innocent voice which made me even more hard.

"Open them legs." I demanded and she obeyed and I got to it.

"FUCKKK AUGUST... YOU'RE TOO DEEEP" she moaned making me smirk at her... I'm too good.


OK I know I said number 5 was the last, but I got bored and wrote 6 which is really the last lol.

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