Walk Away part2 for MrsAlsina_Flo

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Today me Ayama we are going shopping coz my lil diva been nagging me about getting her new clothes, I mean I just took her shopping 2 weeks ago. I've been trying to avoid August but I always see him when ever I'm out. He has not seen Aya yet and I intend keepin it like that.

"Mama, can I choose what I want ta wear?" She asked in a sweet small voice, "yes baby show mama" she pulled out demin shorts, a plain white t and purple gladiator sandals."What u think mommy?" She smiled "perfect honey, let me go change" I got up and went to my room and threw on the same outfit as her but my gladiator sandals when gold.

We headed out to the mall hand in hand with our glasses on. We walked in Forever21 and walked to the kiddies department. Now when I say my girl is a diva I mean she is a diva. She walked around looking at clothes, pointing and the only word that came out her mouth was "Take" when she saw something she wanted and I her slave would "Take".

The store assistant came to me and she said "Diva?" We laughed "You have 0 idea girl" I replied "MOM!! U not paying attention, TAKE!" She said. I laughed and took down her dress. At this time I had removed my glasses. So went to pay. As we were at the register I saw August walking by and guess what? He saw me too. "Just Great" I said to myself.

We paid and rushed out the door "Flo Wait up" I heard him say which I ignored and went to my car but he wasn't letting up. I opened the car and put Ayama in strapped her and shut the door, there was no way in hell and heavens would I let this nigga see her.

"What you want August?" I asked him totally annoyed. "H-How are you ma?" He asked nervously. "I'm fine, now why are u in front of me?" "Come on Flo, let's talk please" he said "Why? I got nun to say to u" I spat. Suddenly there was a tiny tap on the car window. I looked back opened the door and she spoke.

August POV

Why does a nigga always get his POV laterrr damn! Anyway.

I was talking to Flo when we heard a tap on the car window, she looked back and opened the door and the sweetest voice said " mommy can we go home? I have a show to catch" "wow" I thought to myself. That's my baby in there, I know I walked away from Flo which I've been kickin myself about, I was young, not ready for it. I was scared of the responsibility to come.

"Flo is t-that who I think it is?" I asked on the verge of tears "what do u care August? She aint yours remember?" She said. Damn she had to say that. "Flo please okay. I'm sorry for what I did, I'm sorry for walking out on you, I was young and stupid and scared" I explained "can you please let me see her please?" I begged.

"What August? I'm sorry who u wanna see? The child u denied? The child you said I should see what to do with? The same child that you said I must go find a father for? Lol eh my nigga you must think I'm dumb huh. You denied her, you walked away from us, I had to go through 9 months all alone. Let me not mention the 13 hours of pure pain I had to endure all alone. 2 years raising her with my parents help, where the fuck where you? Huh?" She yelled while crying.

I couldn't say anything to her. "I'm sorry Flo, I'm really sorry please forgive me. All I ask is to meet her. It was stupid of me to say allat I said and I'm sorry ma. But please can I meet her please Florine I'm begging" I begged her. She was quiet. She opened her car got in and rolled down her window "I'll text you our address come by later for dinner so I'll introduce you to her" with that she drove off.

Part 3 coming up.

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