Ass Whoopin 8

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Its been quiet around the household, well ever since my eldest daughter found her own space and moved out its been really boring. Don't get me wrong but she was the entertainment in this house, whether its the jokes she made to her hot headed and smart mouth which by the way always landed her on the other end of Mr Leather Belt.

I miss my baby girl soooo much but I think its a good thing for her to venture out on her own and not always depend on her father and I. Though we still a huge part of her life cause we simply have too. She still comes home and stays for weeks then when shit gets real between her and August she leaves or more like run away.

Like today she came back to escort me to the orphanage to pick up my second adopted daughter since mr SuperSta is on the road with Chris. You'd think at 38 that man would quit music but noooooooo not August, he says if Lionel Richie can still sing at the  age he is now then why not him? And come to think of it he's right.

We arrived at the same orphanage where we adopted Tanya from and i instantly smiled. I'm sure you wondering why I only have Shakeria as my biological child, well at the age of 20 I was diagnosed with Endometrial cancer or as many would say The Cancer of the womb or uterus, which caused my womb to be removed due to the fact that had I kept it I wouldn't be here today.

I lost a womb, but with God's grace I still have my life and now I get another chance to give another soul a family, a home. I get to be a mommy for the third time, though she may not be my biological baby BUT she is MINE.

"I'm so nervous" I said to Keria as I whipped my palms on my jeans.

"Why? You've done this before ma. Come on chill." That's her way of calming a person down, typical Shakeria. We rung the bell and Mrs Chow, a short Chinese lady answered.

"Ahh, Mrs Alzina" she said in her chinese accent, she lucky Aug aint here "you here for yo little girl, yes?" She asked with a huge smile causing her already small eyes to almost shut.

"Yes Mrs Chow, is she ready?" I said taking my brown and gold Ray Ban aviators off walking in the house. It smelled so homely in there, if it has a smell it did, and peaceful too.

"Mayah, come come they here" she motioned for her to get off the couch. She did but with a slight attitude. Keria looked at me and chuckled.

"I think her and dad finna be best friends" she laughed as we walked out the house to the car with Mayah and I not too far. She's 16, we preferred adopting teens cause we can't with a baby all thanks to Shakeria's sick days. Lord knows I can't deal with a sick baby.

We arrived at home and walked in to an empty home due to Aug being away and Tanya at her nana's house. I took her to her room and told her to look around the house if she wanted and to come down for dinner. She'll get used to it, it'll take time but surely she will.

              *5 months Later*

She has gotten used to us and her attitude is on A+ and its only a matter of time till she meets my husband in that way. I did say Aug don't take no bull from nobody. I mean we did inform her of the house rules and by we I mean the girls, I'd like to think she did take them to note because.............

The main rules the girls highlighted were :

•Don't be rude and disrespectful to ANYONE.

•Don't back chat.

•Eye rolling and mumbling are highly prohibited.

•When being disciplined the least you can do is show remorse and that you're sorry.

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