In Vain 2

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Ever since the day I confronted August about the affair he was having with my so-called best friend, I haven't spoken to him. The wedding? Off! I can't be around a person that don't see my worth nor respect me. As for Gabby, well let's just say she is not in a good space. After finding out everything Rome left her.

And when I say left her, I mean he put her out of their house. She tried reaching out to me, but I refuse to talk to someone whom I trusted, and they did me so dirty. Hell no!! As a matter of fact, I cut all of them off except for Rome, cause I figured if they could keep quiet about something like this and smile up in my face while they knew what was happening, they didn't deserve me not one bit.

I will not lie and say that I don't miss him because I do. Yes, he hurt me but the matters of the heart are far too complicated to understand. I mean we were almost married to each other, so it is expected for me to miss him, right? He was all I knew when it came to men, relationships to be more precise. He was my first EVERYTHING.

He was My high school sweetheart story that I wanted to tell my grandchildren someday. But I guess that all changed the day I decided to visit my grandmother in Florida. Sometimes I sit and think would we be where we are right now had I not taken that trip? Or was this something that was destined to happen anyway? Was this my fault? Am I the cause of all this mess? I had a whole entire fiancé, one that any female would kill to be with even if it's for a couple of days, even though they knew he was engaged, they'd still wanted him and I left him all alone.

But I refuse to guilt myself that way. As much as he was alone, he still had a perfectly working brain that he should've put to work and stopped himself from doing the shit he did. He broke us. He destroyed what we built for so long. He was weak. And he killed us. Killed me. He didn't honor me. He wasn't loyal to me. He didn't respect me. He did this. This is on him.

                                                                        Phone ringing...

"Yes McKenzie." I spoke into the phone speaker and waited for my PA to respond.

"Uhmmm, miss Moore, you have a guest here by the name of..." she went silent for a few seconds, I'm guessing she was asking who ever it was for their name. "...Clyde." She added. Who the hell is Clyde? I've never meet anyone by that name before.

"Do they have an appointment? Cause I don't know anybody with that name." I asked her.

"No ma'am but he says that he really needs to see you and that he came so far just to speak with you." She explained sounding a bit nervous.

"Couldn't he call? My number is available everywhere." I spoke to myself trying to figure out what's happening. "Let him in Kenzie. But tell him that I have a meeting in a few so he has to be quick. Okay?" I replied to her then hung up. I started gathering the papers I was gonna need them in the meeting I was attending. As I was gathering my papers, I could hear footsteps coming closer to my office and I just wondered who this person could be honestly.

Knock Knock

"Come in." I said in a loud voice for the person behind the thick hard wood door to hear. I heard the door opening but I was too busy picking up the many files that decided It was a perfect idea to fall to the floor to look up and see who it was. "I'll be with you in a second......... just need to pick these up." I said as I was bent over picking them up.

"Take your time love... I don't mind the view I'm getting." A voice I know all too well said which made me roll my eyes in pure annoyance and irritation. Getting up I was face to face with the one person who used to make my heart skip a few beats which now has turned cold. He had on this smile like everything was okay between us. Like he didn't sleep with my so-called bestie. Like we are still engaged. Like he's still my man. The nerve of this nigga.

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