Walk Away part 1 for MrsAlsina_Flo

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Here's another one.


August must have me fucked up side ways if he thinks imma let him see my baby girl Ayama after he denied that he was the father. Its been 2 years, why the fuck is he showing up now? He ditched me when I told him I was pregnant. He straight up told me he aint the father caz he always "strapped it up", this fucker completely forgot when that same "strap" popped. Let me tell you exactly what happened.

*Flashback December 2011*

I had just taken the pregnancy test coz I've been really sick, like throwing up, heartburn, dizziness and I was always tired. So I just figured let me take a pregnancy test and just see, mind you August was the only person whom I slept with as he was my Boyfriend at the time.

"Positive" I read the results on the test. I didn't know how to react. I was happy that I was expecting, sad that Aug might be angry and mad to how could I be so stupid and got knocked up. I just started crying on my bathroom floor cause I was mostly scared of what would unfold when I tell people.

I got up after an hour of sobbing. Went to bed and slept. After 6 hour I woke up and decided to call August and tell him. As I scrolled to his name my mind was going a million miles an hour thinking of his reaction. Pressed the call button and waited. It rang twice and he answered "Hey baby wassup?" He said happily, "uhh hey love" I paused tryna keep from crying "can u meet me at the park, I need to speak to you." I said " Flo baby what's wrong?" He asked. " Please come and I'll tell you" with that I hung up.

30 minutes later I was sitting at the park just staring into nowhere thinking hard. My thinking was so hard that I didn't even notice he was there, he literally had to shake me then I snapped out. "Oh hey love I didn't see you there" I said not turning to him."Baby are you gonna tell me what's wrong?" He asked, I took a deep breath and looked at him "I'm pregnant" I said to him. He was silent for a brief second then said "congratulations!".

Now I knew he was full of it but I wasn't ready for that. "Whose the father?" He asked. I looked at him and said "what August?" "Who is the father caz I know it. aint mine" he said. "What you mean who is the father August you are the only one I fuck with" I said to him still confused, shocked, sad and angry. "I know I always strap my shit up so must be someone else" he said.

"Who have you been with and don't lie" he asked "Nobody but you. You always cover up yes but remember when it broke?" I said to him "it broke but did you not take the morning after pill or sum? He asked." I did but I guess it didn't work" he chuckled.

"Fuck of here with that man. See what u gon do with that caz it aint mine, go find the real dad that thing."He said getting up.

"August are you serious right na? Like are you hearing yourself? "See what u gon do with that" really? THIS IS YOUR FUCKIN BABY." I screamed at him. " Miss me with allat shit Florine, see what u gon do. Don't ever contact me again bitch." I just got up and left him there. When I got home I told my mom and dad. They were mad AF but they said what's done can't be reversed.

I asked them if I can stay with my gran till I gave birth which at first daddy didn't agree to but soon gave in and let me go. I stayed there and it was hard as hell, being sick, having mood swings, the worst was having to ask my gran for everything which she really didn't mind.

I remember there was a time when I cried coz she wouldn't let me sleep in her bed with her. She just laughed at me and opened her covers and I got in snoozed away next to her. My gran is my all.

When I went into labor she was the one calming me down till mama got to the hospital caz it took like 13hours for my baby to get her. 13 fucking hours of pure pain. With each contraction I got August's face would cross my mind and I hated him with all my might.

August 26th 2012 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl whom I named Ayama which means Amazing. She was Gods Amazing gift to me and I was grateful for her regardless her fathers punk ass I still loved my daughter dearly. I moved back to my home town but got my own apartment when she turned one. I didn't want too but my dad said he wanted to be closer to Aya lol, I think I'm being replaced as his favorite girl lol.

*Flashback Over*

Part 2 on thee way

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