Our Forever After

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"YOU WANNA BE GROWN RIGHT? AND DO GROWN UP THINGS HUH?? OK, BUT GET OUT MY HOUSE CHELSEA.." My mom screamed at me as she tossed my belongings out the door. I always thought she was kidding about this but no, no she wasn't.

"Mama..... Where am I supposed to go? U know we got no other family out here.... Mama please I got no where to go please.." I cried pleading with her to not kick me out. She always told me that the day she finds out that I'm sexually active, that will be the day I pack my shit and hit the road.

That day came, well let's just say she witnessed me sexually active with my boyfriend Anthony. You know this heat of the moment I never used to believe
In, I used to see it on tv and in movies, never once did I ever think It would happen to me.

One moment we watching Ridiculousness, the next he was balls deep inside of me and my mom almost having a heart attack from seeing her baby girl having sex in her living room. Now tell me who in the hell gets horny from watching people hurt themselves?.

That was the epitome of all disrespect but to my surprise she forgave me and let it slide but I guess telling her I was 2 months pregnant really set her off.

"I DO NOT GIVE A DAMN WHERE YOU GO CHELSEA!! MOVE IN WITH YOUR BABY DADDY FOR ALL I CARE..." She carried on to scream at me and at this moment I couldn't speak I just stood there looking at her close her front door shut.

She said to go stay with Anthony. That nigga stays in a run down apartment building,which he himself refused to take me too now how am I supposed to raise a child in a place where we can robbed at any second. I swear God has turned his back on me.

I was born and raised in a christian family, where my dad was a pastor and mom being the pastors wife. Unfortunately daddy passed 2 years ago but mama still carried on the rules of the bible which I broke hence that's why I'm on the other side of the door.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Ant's number and after 4 rings he answered.

"Baby!" He said on the other end. He sounded like he was asleep.

"Anthony." I said in a whisper with tears flowing down my cheeks.

"I'm on my way." with that the line went dead. I gathered all my bags and sat on the porch stairs and waited for him, but my thoughts went to my mom. The anger, hurt and disappointment that was plastered on her face. Her one and only baby is pregnant, she was crushed.

In literally two minutes or at least that's what it felt like I saw Ant's car speeding down my street coming to a halt and the same speed he parked was the same speed he got out the car walking is lanky self towards me grabbing my bags without asking any questions. He put all my stuff in the car and I was still sitting on the stairs, when he finished he came back to me.

"Let's go baby." I said grabbing both my hands helping me up. I looked at him and he gave me a small but warm smile. I walked to the car and he opened the door for me, I turned around to look at my house and spotted my mom looking at me from her bedroom window. I blew her a kiss and she broke down.

I got in the car and got comfortable, Ant got in and started the car and sped off towards his apartment. The entire ride there was in silence except my faint sniffs.

"I got ya'll baby ok?" He said as he rubbed my thigh up and down.

"How Anthony? How? You already got a lot on your plate and here I am adding to it..... I'm nothing but a bu-"

"No, you are not a burden baby. I'll figure somethin out I promise you I will." He squeezed my thigh a bit reassuring me.

We drove till we came close to his apartment and the first thing I saw was hookers. In broad day light!. I knew I have arrived in hell. He parked his car and we sat in it, with me looking around and him looking at me.

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