Ass Whoopin... The Last

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Noise noise and more noise. These girls never stop talking, bickering and screaming at each other. If the other didn't do or say something to the other, its another taking the others whatever its never ends. And the irritating part is I'm the one who has to endure all this.

"Tanya! Do not make me slap the dog shit outta you. STOP USING MY STUFF." Keria yelled at her sister who just rolled her eyes in response. "That perfume was given to my by dad on my birthday so I don't see why you using it cause its mine so stop or we will have problems." She said looking at her like she's ready to beat her to a pulp.

"I ran out of perfume and I used yours, who died??" Tanya responded squinting her eyes and placing her hands on her 17 years old hips.

"TANYA!!!" I called her name in a warning manner.

"WHAT?!?" She responded with the same attitude causing me to look at her like she grew another pair of ears. I blinked a few times looking around for the person she's talking to because that person was definitely not me.

"Who you talking to Tanya?" I asked as I finished looking around.

"Who called my name? Wasn't it you?" She raised her eyebrow looking at me directly in the eyes in a daring manner. Mayah and Shakeria chuckled and a faint "good luck" was uttered I'm sure by Shakeria.

Tanya just sucked her teeth and called for Mayah as she walked out the door going to school leaving me standing in the kitchen baffled. I looked over at Keria who shrugged and left out going upstairs.

I made a mental note to deal with her when she comes home and continued cleaning the kitchen cause I was expecting company after noon. My sister Nancy and my best friend Dawn were coming over since its been a while we hung out together.

Its was as if time flew by cause before I knew it there was a loud knock on my door and Nae's loud voice boomed on the other side.

"OPEN THIS DOOR I NEED THE LOO!!!" She screamed and I'm almost sure people down the road heard her ratchet self.

"So loud, so savage, so ghetto.. Who gave birth to you?" I asked opening the door for her and Dee.

"Your mama hoe move."She replied sprinting past me going up the stairs to the loo. I shook my head and turned back to greet Dee with a hug.

"Haven't seen you in while girl, come in." She walked in going straight into the kitchen. I followed her and went to retrieve a bottle of red wine from the wine shelf and opening it just as Nancy and Shakeria walked in.

"Hello aunt Dee." She greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and a big hug.

"Ohhh hey baby, how are you?" She asked her.

"I'm good thank you.." Keria responded as she took a seat next to Nae on the kitchen table.

"Where's May today?" Nancy ratchet self asked earning a laugh from all of us.

"Try saying that to his face" I said after opening the bottle and retrieving the glasses."You won't make it out this house alive." I added. Which was true, August hates it when someone messes up his name or calling him by any month of the calendar.

I joined them and poured myself a glass and passed the bottle to Dawn just as Shakeria spoke.

"I have a question." she paused and took a sip. "How do you deal with these girls who go after your man knowing very well he with you and him like a fool entertains them?" She asked looking at us.

"You don't." Nancy answered shrugging briefly. I knew where she was going with this, the same advice she gave me.

"What you mean I don't?" Keria asked looking so confused.

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