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"August baby.... I'm sorry" I moaned into his ear as he was balls deep in me. "it will ne ne- never happen again I promissssee." I stated with tears flowing freely from my eyes. This man was determined on making his point across.

"I know it won't happen again... you ain't stupid..." He replied going in even further while he stared me right in the eye. I felt every bit of the punishment I was being given.

I'm sure you're wondering how It all started so let me fill you in.

                      A few hours ago............

Stumbling home from yet another party, I walked into a very angry boyfriend of mine. I mean the man looked like he was ready to skin me alive. A friend of mine that I work with invited me to a party at some club and me being me I wouldn't have passed that up for the world so I went. It was lit in every sense of the three letter word.

From the booze, the people and the vibe it was all outta this world. I had been drinking I will not lie but mainly cause it was forced on me by the party animal Drew is. And judging by the look I'm getting now I think I will use that as an excuse. I froze by the door looking at him looking at me like I done killed a baby panda. He's not a man of many words he just lets his face do all the talking for him.

"Hey babe." I said in a small voice waving to him trying to sound and look innocent so he would not be angry at me in which it did nothing cause all he did was shake his head and walked up the stairs to our room. "Boy I'm in shit." I said lowly to myself as I walked into the kitchen to drink some sparkling water. After I was done I went into my room to find him in the covers sleeping or about to sleep I'm not really sure since he had his back to me. I went into the bathroom so I could take a shower.

After I was done I put on my pjs switched off the lights and walked to bed. As I opened the covers he turned the other way which made me pout a little. I got in feeling really cold cause the arms that normally welcomed me were too busy minding their business on the other side of the bed. I shot my girls a quick text telling them that I was home safe. I then put my phone on vibrate then placed it on the night stand switching off the lights after.

I turned around looking at the back of his head wondering why was he so mad at me cause he couldn't be angry at the fact that I was at the club or that I was tipsy. It had to be something deeper than that. I moved closer to him just to at least feel his warmth. I placed my hand on his upper arm only to have it shrugged off. That really hurt my feelings cause I seriously didn't know what was going on.

"Aug..." I whispered to him and he didn't reply. "August babe please talk to me; I know you're awake." I said a bit loud but still he didn't say anything to me. I touched him again but this time he lifted his head and looked at me sharply.

"Bruh I'm tryna sleep. Please respect that at least." He said then put his head back on the pillow. At least??? The fuck does he mean by that? He says that as if I don't respect him at all. I made a mental note to ask him in the morning so I respect his wish and took my ass to sleep.

I woke up with the mother of all headaches from all the alcohol last night, I could lie and say I will never drink for as long as I live but I know I'm gonna be on top of it later tonight so yeah I'm hungover. I stretched my short limbs in hopes of maybe relieving the stiffness I was feeling all over my body to avail but all I felt was the empty space next to me causing me to look in that direction seeing nothing and I wondered where did he go on a Saturday. I sniffed the air hoping to maybe catch a whiff of bacon or sausages I don't know, but all I got was a dry scent.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2020 ⏰

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