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THE ENTAILING MONTH OF NOVEMBER OF THE YEAR 2005 WAS A SHAMEFUL ONE, WHERE A MONTH PEOPLE COME TOGETHER; THE onslaught of joyful expressions when the smell of turkey was in the air, to the garlic bread being sold in bakery's

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THE ENTAILING MONTH OF NOVEMBER OF THE YEAR 2005 WAS A SHAMEFUL ONE, WHERE A MONTH PEOPLE COME TOGETHER; THE onslaught of joyful expressions when the smell of turkey was in the air, to the garlic bread being sold in bakery's. The town of Forks, Washington was a festive one. People around the town help volunteer to decorate the local businesses. The autumn season was the kicker in the townspeople step, they added a little spice to their pep and started drinking pumpkin spice coffee down to hot chocolate.

Charlie Swan even lasted on the tradition.

"How can you not celebrate Thanksgiving" Voices came from inside one of the homes was loud, it was pinpointed one as amusement. The Swan residence was decorated for the holiday while some family members wanted to just have a cozy night and sip on coffee, or in other words alcohol.

"I stopped celebrating Thanksgiving. It was a day of mass murder when John Winthrop & his volunteers murdered seven hundred Pequot people" Helen said taking a mug out of the cabinet in the kitchen, she poured some pre made black coffee dunking a spoonful of sugar then a few teaspoons of milk into the coffee swirling around until a rich golden haze seeped back up. "He declared the day Thanksgiving, unfortunately it wasn't just one day specifically but the very last day of November" Helen shrugged at her fathers expression.

She took a large gulp of the coffee and closed her eyes to the smoldering taste of the liquid and it nearly burned her tongue as she nearly danced at the wondrous taste of it. Helen lifted the glass once more to her lips eyeing her father whose disgruntled expression flavored the happy glint in her eyes to one of amusement.

"People are cruel aren't they" Charlie agreed with his daughter.

Helen just nodded her head, she passed another mug of coffee to the end of the table just in time for Bella Swan to come down stairs and swipe it. Her delicate fingers looped around the handle and swiftly carried it upstairs with a small mutter of a thank you. Her brown eyes weighed heavily with sorrow, it was blank with death rather than life.

"Perhaps we shouldn't celebrate this year. I don't think Bells is up for it" Charlie said putting down his coffee mug with his coffee being all gone, he adjusted his belt making sure he had everything before going on duty. Helen smiled softly, green blue eyes shined as she glanced back to the stairs "Maybe I'll have a conversation with Bells. I will see what I can do, I know about her nightmares keeping her up" Helen said sadly.

Bella's nightmares were keeping everyone up since Helen started staying at her fathers house this week to help with her baby sister. Whom has been in a cocoon like state since, he left. The thought of him left a sour taste on her tongue. El hasn't even asked Carlisle about what's his face, she just turned her head the other way

Helen had heard whisperings from Carlisle about the rest of the coven. She hasn't exactly bonded with them except for Rosalie & Esme with a shared experience. Jasper & her are acquainted but his lack of control over blood has her stepping back. Alice & Emmett, Helen sees them as friends. Though she dare say she is closer to Rosalie and Esme out of everyone besides Carlisle. The only two vampires left were Edward and Marcellus, both whom she disliked.

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