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mature audience 18+

THE ENDLESS VAST OF GREEN LANDSCAPE WAS BREATHTAKING TO THE MORTAL EYES, tiny stems of grass swaying at the touch a glimmer of awe was that of the eyes of a certain brunette individual, whose sea green depths circled with a peace serenity, it sung...

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THE ENDLESS VAST OF GREEN LANDSCAPE WAS BREATHTAKING TO THE MORTAL EYES, tiny stems of grass swaying at the touch a glimmer of awe was that of the eyes of a certain brunette individual, whose sea green depths circled with a peace serenity, it sung like a song in her gaze. The sound of the plane engine roared behind them, the wind pushed away at the back of her head. A deep breath she inhaled, she rubbed both of her arms when looking at her husband "Englnd" She said breathlessly shocked by the spontaneous world around the trip "How did we get here" she finally questioned.

Her entire mind shifted as she gazed at the plane behind her. She opened and closed her mouth "This is not the same plane from Port Angeles" she pointed a finger at Carlisle who chuckled at the comparison as he gathered their luggage "You were so out of it. I put you on the jet without you stirring" He said seeing the frown ease between her eyebrows.

"Whatever" Helen muttered.

Despite Carlisle laughing a car pulled up for them. He grinned signaling for trunk to be opened. He flexed his hands over the luggage handlebars. He lifted their suitcases tossing them in the back trunk before shutting it with ease still seeing his wife questionable gaze "You do the most strange things. Sometimes I think your more of a witch" Helen whispered pointing a finger at him suspiciously.

"Just a mere vampire" He rose his hand in innocence as they both got into the back of the car. The driver nodded his head at Carlisle who relayed information to the man. The car ride went off without a hiccup "Where exactly are we going" Helen asked eyeing her husband whom just grinned, he curled his fingers under her chin leaning her in for a kiss "A surprise. A family home from my mortal life" He whispered teasingly as he kissed her gently.

Helen just hummed a bit as she kissed him once more. She pulled back as her eyes sought the scenery. She envied the sight, she started grinning at the distant glow of lights in this part of the mountain as they drove closer "You could have just run us there" she whispered eyeing him with a single brow at him.

"We have a lot of luggage" He said shrugging his shoulders.

A hand gently collided with his shoulder in a defiant way as she rolled her eyes at him playfully in that moment. The car pulled onto a paved road up to a gated area "We are getting out here" He told Helen signaling the driver to stop. He grabbed her hand, her warmth spreading out over his fingers. She looked at him dumbstruck figuring they be forced to hike the rest of the way.

Carlisle grinned seeing her face, he took their suitcases in both hands leading them up to the gate where he told her code "1298" he said with a smile as she typed the code into the gate. It buzzed opened, jarred it open all the way to allow passage to her & himself. He eyed the driver who was backing out slightly and dispersed into the darkness. He shook his head, turning to his wife who just rose a questioning gaze at him.

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