Track 39

762 16 0

Throughout the week, the five of you were studying together, staying up late at night. Some nights you had placed down futons or some type of bedding for your boyfriends to sleep in.

You were now sitting at a spot, and looking down at your page. ' Breathe.' You thought to yourself. ' I can do it...!' Adrian thought looking at his page, somewhere else, Kevin was looking at his page and was wondering when he studied this part.

Vincent was now presenting his project, while Felix was holding his art portfolio in his hands looking at it with a sort of unimpressed look.
All the classes had now ended, Vincent and Felix walking together. " How was your presentation?" Felix asked him, having a smirk on his face. " Ugh, my back is hurting from carrying my whole group's project!" He exclaimed, " That so? Well, at least you're done with it. Oh ya, nice blazer, by the way." Felix said having a genuine smirk on his face, looking at the slightly flustered Vincent.

"Oh, stop it. I'm not used to getting compliments from you as my boyfriend..." Vincent said looking away, but still liking the compliment. He would never admit it, but he really liked it. " .... Anyways, we're on the right floor, right?" Vincent asked looking around. " Um... Yeah? They're probably just taking longer to finish up their exams, dude." Felix said.

Adrian walked out of the classroom, "Um.." He said to himself, and looked around trying to find his lovers. He smiled when he went towards them, having his arms out and giving a hug to Vincent. " Oh, you guys are here!" He said having a happy tone in his voice. " H-Hi! Did your exams go well?" Vincent asked. "Better than I expected actually~" Adrian responded.

" Yo! Just finished up my exams too." Kevin said walking out of his class. " Ooh, how did it go, babe?" Vincent asked. " Ah... could've studied more.... But let's not dwell on the past..." Kevin said in a slight disappointed voice. " Well, we can take a break from thinking about college now..." Kevin said, then looking around trying to find your fluffy H/c hair.  

" Hey, where's Y/N?" He asked looking at the other three. " He said that he has a sudden practice." Felix said, " He texted me earlier today before class." Felix responded. " Alright, well first lets grab something to eat! I'm hungry." Kevin said having a smile on his face. " Alright boys, lunch is on me." Vincent said, walking with his boyfriends.

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