Track 87

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" So.. what are you getting your boyfriends for Christmas?" (F)Prep asked Vincent, " Huh?"

" Y'know. Christmas gifts." She said, for a moment Vincent finally remember that he had not gotten his boyfriend gifts. " Ack! I forgot to shop for gifts!" He exclaimed, " Well, now is a good time." (F)Prep said, " Gotta go.. find gifts..." Vincent said running away from the female.

In his arms was a large mountain of things, but he got stopped when (F)Prep grabbed onto the back of his jacket. Causing him to fall to the ground, " Jeez, what did you do that for...." He asked glaring up at her. " You're always like this, spreading an insane amount of money all willy nilly. The sentiment is nice and all, but have you ever thought about how extremely expensive gifts can burden your partners?" She asked looking at the two.

" I know you don't intend it, but that kind of spending habit might set up an imbalance in your relationship."

" Oh... I never thought about that...."

" It's definitely a conversation you'd have to have with them at some point." She said having a hand towards Vincent, to help him get up from the ground. " For now... what do you reckon I should get them?" He asked, " Hm... since we're in a clothing shop.. how about you get hem something that they would Ike, and you would like to put them in."

" Oh! Good idea!"

" Hmm, what to pick...." In the end he was actually able to get gifts that was at a reasonable price, and didn't spend the amount of someone's bloodline and more. " I Hope they will like these..... I'm gonna go pee. Keep an eye on my stuff, ok?"

" Alright, just be fast." Once he was gone, (F)Prep looked down at the bag, " I'm curious as to what he got them.... Virgin killer sweater....?" She said looking at the purple sweater.

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