Chapter 1- New Town Fresh Start

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"W- What? Wha- What do you- Y- You're

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"W- What? Wha- What do you- Y- You're... Pregnant?" I stutter in absolute shock. My jaw just about hits the floor and my eyes almost fall out of my head. Hazyl just nods her head with tears steaming down her cheeks. "Wha- N- No. You can't be pregnant, you were just taking shots with Jia." I say pointedly. My mind is going haywire right now.

Hazyl sniffles and moves a strand of her hair behind her ear. "I wasn't actually drinking them. I was faking it." Hazyl clarifies.

My knees feel like they're about to give out on me. I walk backwards until I hit the stairs then I take a seat. I lean forward, put my elbows on my knees and cover my mouth and nose with my hands. There is no way this is happening right now. I'm literally about to leave to go to Rochester at any second. This is not what I want to deal with right now, jeez.

Neither of us say a word for a while. "You're pregnant..." I whisper, mostly speaking to myself. What am I going to do? I can't have a kid right now, I'm only seventeen. Well, Mom did it when she was seventeen. Oh my God, what am I going to do! I always thought I'd be married and obviously older when I would have my first kid. This is the universe playing some sick joke on me, I know it. Mom tried so hard to keep me from being a teen parent like she was. She knew the struggles and the challenges that come with it, she wanted better for me. Oh God. Mom! Uh-oh. Oh no, she's going to be so mad, she's for sure going to flip out.

If I'm freaking out this much, I can't imagine how terrified Hazyl must be. Hazyl has such a bright future ahead of her, a baby will only slow her down. I remember once Hazyl told me she wanted to be an actress. Hollywood is hard enough but with a baby? Oh man, this is not what either of us needs right now.

"Scott." Nate's voice snaps me back to reality.

I look over at him from my spot in the passenger seat. "Huh? What?" I ask, utterly clueless.

Nate chuckles to himself. "I asked you what radio station you want it on." He looks back and forth from the road to the radio.

I readjust my position and get comfortable. "Oh, uh, y- you pick." I say uninterested.

"You okay?" Nate questions with a look of concern.

I can't tell Nate what's going on. I can't tell him that I left behind a girl who's pregnant with my child. Actually, I have no clue if the baby is even mine. Maybe, the night after Hazyl and I broke up, she went to a party and slept with someone else and got pregnant. But knowing how heartbroken Hazyl was I don't think she would do something like that. There is a big chance the baby is mine. Hazyl and I, we weren't being the safest. She told me she was on the pill and there was really no need for me to wear anything. I know, it was stupid but Hazyl brings out that wild side to me. If I think hard and do the math correctly, everything adds up. The baby would be mine.

When Nate picked me up Hazyl was at my house, I can't tell him that he interrupted a life changing conversation. And I just let Hazyl go, I just let her leave, I didn't even try to stop her from leaving, I couldn't manage to chase after her and tell her everything will be okay and give her a hug. The shock paralyzed me, I couldn't move. I couldn't manage to go after Hazyl but I'm managing to pack up my life and move almost five hours away.

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