Chapter 57- Australia

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I've been working here at the warehouse since 8 this morning

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I've been working here at the warehouse since 8 this morning. We don't have school today, where I'm from it's called a PD day. All the student have the day off but the teachers have workshops. I don't know about it much but I'm just glad we don't have school so I can spend the day here cleaning and getting as much as I can ready for Saturday.

Ember still has no clue I'm dong this for her.

Yesterday Ember, me, Hazyl, Cooper, Ayla, Brent, Kain and some girl and Kain's friends went out to dinner to celebrate Ember's actual birthday.

The dinner was good until that Nolan guy showed up. Everything was going smooth, everyone was laughing and having a good time and I don't know what happened. All of a sudden Kain comes over to our side of the table, the restaurant staff had just brought out Ember's cake and sang to her. Kain stuck his hand in the cake, ate the cake off his hand like a caveman, said it was gross and went after one of the waiters.

When I got to the waiter, he was laying on the floor with a bloody nose.

Kain got walked out of the restaurant by the diner's security guards. Luke and I helped the hurt waiter, Grey, Myles and Boo tried to get a handle on Nolan, Hazyl talked to the restaurant's owner about the situation and about Kain, Cooper was comforting Ember and Ayla went out to talk to Kain. We all sprung into action and dealt with our own situations.

Ayla wasn't gone long. Maybe 5 minutes? When she came back inside, I caught a quick glance at her and I could tell that she had been crying. I tried to talk to her after everything calmed down but I couldn't get close enough to her. Brent blocked me and they quickly left.

That Brent guy is so frustrating. He won't let Ayla do practically anything without him. He's controlling. I don't think he's put his hand on Ayla and left bruises like that one time. Actually, that's not true. I recently heard that Kain choked Brent nearly to death because Brent out his hands on Ayla.

Man, either Ayla has terrible taste in the male species or she just attracts bad guys.

Well, Kain isn't really a bad guy, I mean he was and is recently starting to get bad, I haven't seen that evil in Kain for a long time, not until recently. It diminished while he was with Ayla. Kain was bound to fall off the rails sooner or later, I was hoping Kain would put his old self down forever, clearly I was mistaken. Thanks to Nolan.

Something happened between Nolan and Kain though. Kain wouldn't act like this on his own.

"Scott?" I hear my name being called.

"Yeah. Over here." I say back and lean the broom on the wall.

I hear numerous footsteps coming up the stairs then Weston, Ardyn, Jerek and Kroy appear.  They're here to check out the place.

"Wow. This place is awesome!" Kroy says.

I give each of the guys bro hugs. "It is, right. Just wait until it's done." I look around at the the progress I made.

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