Chapter 30- I Don't Feel A Thing

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I wake up in my pitch black room

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I wake up in my pitch black room. I have no clue what time it is right now. My room is dark all the time so I never know if it's fucking middle of the day or 3 o'clock in the morning. I get out of bed and sit at the edge. I switch on the bedside lamp and I'm shocked to see where the fuck I am.

Oh yeah.


I moved back home. I completely forgot where the hell I was for a second. It's going to take some getting used to, being back home in my room. I still can't fucking believe I moved back home. My room is exactly how it was before I moved out, it's like I never left.

So far Davis has been giving me space, he hasn't been creeping over my fucking shoulder and putting his two cent into everything I do. If he can keep this up then I might find it bearable to live back here.

Who the fuck am I trying to kid, Davis is just waiting for me to drop my guard then he'll go back to hounding me every five seconds and pissing me the fuck off.

I put on a pair of black, red and white Jordans sweatpants, socks and grab my black SnapBack then go down to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. When I enter the kitchen the room is vacant. Actually the whole house is quiet. What the fuck? Is Davis even home? I hope not.

Sunday's are usually everyones day off but not Davis, the guy likes to work all the fucking time. I mean, how much work can you do every single day at the fucking wine store? It doesn't make sense to me so I'm not going to question it anymore.

I open the fridge, grab the jug of milk and close the fridge door. I screw off the cap and drink from the jug. I feel the cold liquid run down the inside of my body.

"Kain. Come on, son. There's other people that use that milk and don't want your germs. Be a decent human and use a cup." Davis's annoying as fuck voice says. The first sound of his voice makes my skin get goosebumps and the hairs stand up.

I curse under my breath, put the cap back on the jug then put the milk back in the fridge. I keep the fridge open and look around for something to eat.

"Do you want me to take you to your doctor's appointment tomorrow?" Davis asks from the island behind me.

I shut the fridge door and go to where we keep the bread. I'm about to take out two slices of whole grain bread when Davis voice stops me. "No, don't eat that. Have oatmeal instead. And make sure you put the protein powder on it. You're looking thin these days, now that you're back home, we can get you back to your regular weight then, later on, we can bulk you up."

Davis is really fucking pushing it. I sigh and put the bread back in the bag. I open the wall cabinet, take out the oatmeal container, then grab a bowl from the cabinet over. I start make my oatmeal and say, "No, I don't need you to fucking hold my hand. I can take myself." I finish making my oatmeal. Davis doesn't say a word. Before I leave, I get myself a glass of water then I take my oatmeal bowl and go back up to my room.

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