Chapter 80- Fun Times

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The first week of working out or whatever physical activity is always the fucking hardest, I swear

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The first week of working out or whatever physical activity is always the fucking hardest, I swear. I'm back to training with Spencer and I somehow forgot how fucking gruelling this shit is. I don't know if I'm already out of shape or he's upping his drills but goddamn, and it's only fucking Tuesday.

I'm fucking wrecked after this mornings train sesh so fuck it, I decide to skip school. All I want to fucking do is sleep. And it doesn't help that I had a nightmare last night and got 15 minutes of sleep so sleep is the only thing on my mind right now, until my evening session.

I walk in my bedroom, shut the door behind me and switch on my nightstand lamp. The letter from Shattuck is on my nightstand and when my gaze lands on the single piece of paper, a tightness forms inside my chest.

Shattuck is a huge fucking opportunity for me. I've wanted to go to school there since i was about 8 years old. They have a nice list of former and current NHLers that went to school there. Shattuck is my plan B. If things don't work out here in Dalton, or if things didn't work out the way Davis wanted then I'd transfer to Shattuck and play hockey there. 

I haven't told anyone about the letter from Shattuck yet. I just haven't found the right time or maybe, I don't want to tell anyone. If I tell the boys or anybody then they'll give me their fucking opinions, which I do not want. The boys will each throw their own fits and the team will stress me the fuck out, I haven't even thought about what my answer to Shattuck will be.

Obviously, I want to go to Shattuck, it'll help me out, better my game and get my name out in the hockey world faster and more efficient but, on the other hand, I have my whole life here in Dalton. I've been trying to get the fuck out of Dalton for as long as I can remember and Shattuck is my shot. There's a lingering thought in the back of my head and it's if I stay in Dalton, will I be following in Davis' shadow? Will people be thinking I'm following in Davis' steps? That's the last thing I fucking want, I don't want any ties or anything linking me to Davis with hockey involved.

What I'm doing now is exactly how Davis made it to the NHL, I wouldn't really be carving my own path.

I don't know, I have a whole fucking list of pros and cons for both of my reasons on staying and leaving.

After my evening training session with Spencer, I hit the showers and get cleaned off. I decided to shower at the arena instead of at home because I know, for a fucking fact, that when I walk through the front door of my house, I'll be dead fucking tired. To tired to shower so while I have energy, I shower here.

I'm still the only one training, I haven't asked the boys to come back yet. I plan too, I just haven't yet. Apparently, there's a lot I haven't done yet. What the fuck, I'm normally not this fucking lazy.

When I do ask the boys to come train with me, I also plan on asking Scott. It could be fun to have a group of us training together.

I open the door that leads out of the LB arena and head to my car. I'm still getting used to the fact that I have a new car and that it's gray. The black paint was slick and all but the gray paint with the blacked out tinted windows and black rims, make my new car look fucking mean and fucking sick. I absolutely love everything about this car.

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