Chapter 76- Support system

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I wake up in the dead silence and in the black as night bedroom

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I wake up in the dead silence and in the black as night bedroom. I never know what time it is when my eyes open. Sometimes it'll be 4AM, 1PM or 7AM. Yeah, my sleeping schedule is fucked up. Last night I had a nightmare and it kept me up until 8AM. I only slept about 2 hours so I made myself take a damn nap, I was fucking exhausted.

I roll over to my right and grab my phone from my nightstand, I always use the nightstand that's closer to the door, all my stuff is in this nightstand. I rarely, or, if ever, use the other stand, it's pretty much empty.

My phone screen lights up nearly fucking blinding me, the brightness is so bright. I've been using my own cell phone lately. I only take out the burner phone Nolan gave me when I hear it go off. I've been texting here and there with Brock Boeser, Tage Thompson and Troy Terry since I got back from camp. The four of us clicked at camp and have been keeping in close contact. I think they're a cool bunch of guys.

After I turn down the brightness on my phone, I tap the messages icon and instantly see a random text from Nolan. His name sticks out like a sore fucking thumb.

Wonder why he texted me on here instead of the burner phone?

I ignore everyone else's text and push on Nolan's conversation.

So that's Nolan's thing now

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So that's Nolan's thing now. He deals drugs for fun, he says. But he laces it with something extra to really get the party going and the people fucked up. I don't know how long he's been dealing, I just found out yesterday. Nolan could've been dealing when I wasn't around him or he started when I went off to camp, I don't have a fucking clue.

Nolan and I were in town yesterday, hanging out and he kept fucking bugging me to drive him to the park of all places. Finally, I caved and drove his ass there. After we got there, he started acting sketchy and suspicious as fuck. He kept checking over his shoulders, tweaking and just acting paranoid and weird then this creepy, mid 30's fucker came up to us and Nalon discreetly made his deal. He slipped the guy a small clear bag then the dude limped away.

I was so fucking shocked because the deal happened during the day and with 20-30 kids running and playing around.

Me being me, I acted like it wasn't a big deal but I was fucking pissed. When we got back in my car, I gave Nolan an earful on the way back to the Bayou but Nolan just laughed and dismissed me. I don't know why I didn't but I wanted to so fucking bad to reach over and strangle the asshole. We made about 5-10 more trips back to the park throughout the day yesterday. I stayed in the car while Nolan did his thing and watched.

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