Chapter 82-It's Not Your Fault

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This past week has been fucking brutal

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This past week has been fucking brutal. You already know what happened but here's a quick recap. Me and the boys got Nolan fucking arrested for hopefully a long ass time so good fucking riddance, then my body got hijacked or possessed or some shit. I fucking almost killed my damn self. I had absolutely no control. Luckily Scott and Ayla were there to talk me through it all. I still find it fucking weird that I love Ayla or whatever, I'm low-key obsessed with the girl but she wasn't the one that got through to me. Scott was. He came through the overwhelming darkness and got me.

Skipping forward and passing the sappy shit, I woke up in the hospital, strapped to the hospital bed like a lunatic. The first 24 hours, I was on suicide watch then as the time went on, they lowered the standards. I was fucking pissed when they told me that I couldn't leave without going to counselling. I've never been to fucking counselling before and my stubborn ass didn't want to start then.

But, I guess, I do have to admit my shoulders don't feel like they're holding the weight of the fucking world anymore after they managed to get me to finally talk. My chest doesn't feel as tight anymore. I don't feel as angry as I was, at Davis, my Mom, the world. I think counselling did some good for me.

The counsellor gave me her business card and told me to go back and see her again, I might just take her up on her offer. The counsellor could definitely tell I have a lot of my shoulders and have a lot of things I needed to get off my chest.

At first, I just went through the counselling to get the fuck out of there but now that I'm back to my life, yeah, I'd go back. To counselling! Not the fucking hospital. Fuck that. The amount of times I've been in the hospital since the school year started is fucking enough for me, it'll last me a lifetime. They should name a part of the hospital after me and my family for the amount of times we've been there.

I went into the hospital on Tuesday and got out Thursday and shit hit the fucking wall that evening. Some fucking asshole released the time capsule. I didn't and still haven't watched the video, it's none of my business what my peers had to say. It would bore the fuck out of me anyway.

But, I have seen little bits of the time capsule here and there on Instagram. Of course, I seen Hazyl's part. She has decent tits, that's all I have to say. But Ayla's are a million times better.

I barely remember the day we recorded it. I was probably drunk. I remember I was fucking so mad at Ayla for leaving and staying in Syracuse, and I kind of remember saying something about Davis. I don't know why I was angry at Davis, I'm always angry at the fucker but now the whole school and town knows my hatred for him.

Oh, well. Everything I said is the truth and I don't take anything back, I regret nothing.

This week has been fucking exhausting. I need a fucking break or vacation. The boys have been almost glued to my ass since I got home. My parents could give a shit about my well being, which is why I haven't heard fuck all from either of them. I think the last time I saw my parents was at my birthday party.

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