Chapter 68- One Last Trick

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Spencer has me working on my power skating and conditioning today

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Spencer has me working on my power skating and conditioning today. I'm not going to lie, I've been giving him a bit of a fucking hard time. I've been complaining and talking back more than usual. I'm just not in the fucking mood to be here right now.

I take a water break while Spencer gets the next drill set up. Spencer skates over me to and hands me a waistband.

"What the fuck is this thing?" I ask while I examine the item.

"Come on, I'll show you." Spencer instructs. I follow behind Spencer to the goal line then he stops and turns to me. "Put it on." Again, he instructs.

I take off my gloves and clip the waistband around my waist. Spencer then attaches 4 cords on the back part of the band that's around me. The 4 cords all connect to a handle, which Spencer has in his hands.

"So, what, I just fucking pull you around like a horse and buggy?" I say in annoyance because that's exactly what it fucking looks like. There's no way in hell I'm about to make a fucking fool out of myself.

"No. Well, kind of. You pull while I resist. We'll start from this goal line to the other." Spencer informs me.

I nod, pick up my gloves, stand and ready myself to take off when he says. Instead of facing my body to the other end of the ice, I turn to my left, dig my skate blades into the ice, bend my knees and get ready.

I've seen this drill done before, usually it's done with a parachute but I guess, Spencer can do more than the parachute can.  Spencer can resist more and put up more of a fight. The drill burns the fuck out of your legs and thighs.

"Ready?" Spencer asks then he pulls on the reigns but I'm solid on my skates so I don't move. The pulling just annoys the fuck out of me. "Go!" Spencer yells.

I dig my skates into the ice and take off. I don't make it far when I feel the pull back from Spencer pulling on the reigns. The more he resists, the more I pull. I hear his skates tearing the ice behind me. I release a low growl as I pass the first blue line. The deep burn in my thighs begin hurting like a bitch but I keep going.

Passed the centre red line.

I look up and see the goal line coming up.

Passed the second blue line.

I dig my skates deeper in the ice and keep pulling. I think this drill is suppose to help with control, or I don't fucking know.

I just hit the top of the circle when all of a sudden I feel a snap release then I fly forward. I tumble to the ice and slide a bit.

Once I've stopped sliding, I look back at Spencer and he's just standing there. He's not laughing, not smiling, not mad, nothing. The fucking guy purposefully let go of the reigns.

I get to my feet in record time and charge at him. "What the fuck was that?! You could've seriously hurt me, you fucking moron. What the hell is wrong with you?" I say angrily at Spencer but he just put up his right hand to stop me.

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