Chapter 35- Division Champs

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I look over my right shoulder and see Mom standing at the threshold of my old bedroom.

"Hey. I, uh, I just came back to take over some more of my stuff to Davis'." I say then turn back and put some of my clothes in a box I have on my bed. I'm standing at the foot of my bed, my back facing the door.

I hear footsteps coming closer to me. "Scott, listen to me, if you just tell me what Davis has done or said, I can help you fight him." Mom says as she walks to me, standing to my left and she puts a hand on my left shoulder.

The bile in my throat makes it almost impossible for me to breath. I hang my head lower, close my eyes and sigh. I fight down the bile lodged in my throat, open my eyes and look Mom dead in the eyes. "No, mom. We can't." I say but it comes out in a whisper.

I fold the lid of the box, pick it up and walk to the threshold of my old bedroom. Before I walk out, I turn back and see Mom still standing in the same spot, she's looking at the blinds with big tears streaming down her face. Seeing Mom cry makes my insides hurts every time but I take one last look around the room then I turn and leave.

Going back to Mom's house never gets easier.

I walk through the front door of... my new house? Davis' house? Rylin's house? I still don't know what to call it. I think I'll stick with Rylin's house since it is her house. Nate told me once that Rylin got this house and Davis got the lake house. So Rylin's house it is.

I close the door behind me while I manage to not drop the box in my left hand. I'm just about to walk up the stairs when I hear my name being called by Davis. I set the box on the step and try to follow the sound Davis' voice came from.

My first guess is the kitchen. I walk in the room and see Davis sitting at the island reading the newspaper. He folds up the paper when he notices me enter the room. "Where'd you go?"

I stand at the edge of the island. "Uh, Mom's. To get some more of my stuff." I answer honestly.

Davis nods his head then he gestures to the spread of variety of breakfast foods in front of him. "Grab a plate. Sit down and eat." He instructs.

"Actually, I have to-" I jab my thumb over my shoulder but Davis shakes his head and cuts me off.

"No, come on, sit. You have a big game later."

Just then the door leading from the garage opens and in walks Rylin. "Davis, I'm home!"

"In the kitchen, Rylin." Davis answers back then picks up his coffee mug and takes a drink.

Rylin walks in the kitchen carrying grocery bags. She walks past me and sets the bags on the counter, to my right. When she looks up at me, I see a hint of surprise on her face.

Great, she thought I was Kain.

When she realizes that it's me, she puts on a big smile. "Scott. Hi."

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