Chatper 37- Courtesy Of My Best Friend?

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7:45 is what the time reads on my phone screen

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7:45 is what the time reads on my phone screen. Kain's bedroom door is closed. Wonder if he's even awake or planning on going to school? I put my ear to the door and hear absolutely nothing. I honestly don't even know if he's in there. For all I know he's not even home and I'm standing here looking like a stalker.

I knock three times on his closed door and wait.

"Go away, asshole." I hear Kain's raspy cracky voice say from inside of his room.

Well, there's my answer. He's in there. And by the sounds of it it doesn't sound like he's up and ready for school.

"A- Are you going to school?" I say back.

"No, not fuck off and keep your voice down. I'm hungover as fuck." Kain quickly answers back.

I don't bother to answer him back. I nod but realize he can't see me so I stop. I back away from the door, turn right and walk down the staircase. Wonder if Kain is still trying to avoid Ayla and trying to move on from her. He must be doing something to try and move on because I swore I heard Kain and a girl doing... stuff last night. I heard their moans and the headboard hitting the wall.

Their noises weren't super loud but loud enough for me to hear a bit of it from my bedroom. And my room isn't that far from Kain's room. My room is across the hall and quite a bit of ways down the hallway from Kain's room.

I hope that now that I'm living here I won't be hearing all the noises of my brother doing his thing with other females. The girl he hooked up with last night was pretty loud and I don't care to hear anymore of it.

I walk in the kitchen and see Davis sitting at the island, sipping on some coffee. Rylin is at the stove making omelettes? Yeah, that's it. The entire room smells delicious. I first got a whiff of it when I was getting ready upstairs. The smell making my mouth water.

"Scott, hey, how'd you sleep, son?" Davis asks cheerily and sets down his coffee mug.

His eagerness and fatherly attitude never fails to surprise me or catch me off guard. If you would've told me a couple months ago that I'd be living with Davis and his family, I'd laugh in your face and call you crazy but here I am.

"Uh, good." I answer awkwardly.

Seeing the house so alive at almost 8AM shocks me. When I used to live at Mom's it would be just me and her in the mornings, or just me but here almost everyone is awake and ready to start their day. I'm impressed but I miss my alone times in the mornings.

"So, listen, In order for you to continue living with us, we have to go to mediation with your Mother." Davis tells me and gives a bored look.

I readjust my book-bag strap over my shoulder. "Okay. For what?"

"Ah, just so the lawyer or Judge sees me fit to be a parental figure for you. So that they can see that I'm providing you a healthy normal home environment." Davis brushes it off like it's no big deal to him.

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