Chapter 51- She Forgot Her

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"Has it sunk in that you almost won the State championship yet?" Weston asks from his spot on his bed

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"Has it sunk in that you almost won the State championship yet?" Weston asks from his spot on his bed.

"Not only almost winning State but also almost scoring the game winner?" Ardyn adds from the floor at the foot of Weston's bed.

They both have their eyes glued to the TV screen as they're playing each other at COD. I'm sitting on Wes' computer chair, to the right of his double bed. I'm looking at the TV screen, trying to watch the game but I can't get into it.

Jeez, both of my friends rip open the wounds that was a millimetre of closing. Losing the State championship is still fresh in my mind. I'm trying to get over it and work towards a fresh start but when both of my friends say it the way they did, it hurts.

I blow a raspberry and shake my head. "Kind of. At first it was horrible but a week has almost passed so the burn is dying down. Everything slowly feels like it's going back to normal."

Ardyn snickers and pauses the game. He turns his head and looks towards me. "'Normal'? Dude, nothing has been normal since school started."

I turn my head and look back at Ardyn confused. "What do you mean?"

Ardyn bends his left knee, puts his left elbow on his bent knee and he rest his right elbow on the bed. "Well... You and Kain became friends after years of hating each other, You met Ayla and got super close with her. You joined the varsity team. You moved in with Davis, plus add the whole making it to the State tourney into the mix. Oh, and the queen bee of the school dated you, and you finally talked to the one girl you've been crushing on since 1st grade."

"Damn, when you put it like that. Scott, you had an exciting school year, and the year isn't even over yet." Weston says.

I mean, they're right, it does sound like a lot. And it is a lot. Life changed for me this year. It was a lot of up and down emotions, hot and cold, happy and sad. I lost my way for a little while there but I had the right people surrounding me and help guiding me back to the right path. But they're missing a few holes in their list of things that happened to me.

They don't know about mine and Hazyl's pregnancy scare, they don't know about me and Ember sneaking behind Hazyl's back, they don't know the struggles of mine and Kain's relationship and we aren't completely there yet. Kain and me, we still have a lot to work on. I'm trying to know him that he can trust me, that not everyone is out to get him.

"Yeah, well, just sit back, relax and enjoy the show, boys. I'm sure the rest of the year will be just as entertaining." I say back then stand up and sigh. "Alright, guys. I have to take off but, uh... happy gaming."

"See ya." Weston waves.

"Later gator." Ardyn says next.

I would've stayed longer and waiting for Jerek and Kroy to arrive but they're terrible with time. If they say they're on their way, that's a lie, they're not even in the car. If they that they'll be there at a certain time, that's another lie, they'll get there an hour or two later. If you want the twins to show up at a set time, you have to tell them to be there an hour before.

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