Chapter 56- Cause A Scene

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I'm loving having this no emotion thing

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I'm loving having this no emotion thing. I don't give a fuck about anything, it's awesome.

Oh wait. I don't mean anything like every single thing in my life, the only thing I still care about is hockey. I still get up at the ass crack of dawn to train and go to school. I get 2 geeks to do my homework for me. The rest of the shit, I don't give a fuck about.

I started getting into the same kind of trouble Nolan does and we started hanging out with other people. I don't remember all their names but one guy is on the run, he was in part of a murder involving a CVS worker. One of the girls in our new group is a prostitute, she's covered in tattoos and sounds like she smokes 5 packs of cigarettes a day. The other two are just plain scummy dirty people.

"Kain?" A voice fades in, breaking me out go my thoughts. Boo's looking at me suspiciously. "You good, bro?"

"Dude, you look fucking terrible." Grey says next.

Luke smacks Grey on the back of his head. "Shut up, man."

"What, he does!" Grey says pointedly.

"Yeah, he's right. Are you alright, Kain? You look pale and you have really dark bags under your eyes. You look beyond exhausted." Boo says, looking at me intently.

I hate all the fucking talk about me. "Would you guys shut the fuck up and worry about yourselves." I snap.

"Woah. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Myles raises his hands in surrender.

"Nah. That's just the effect of hanging with Nolan Streeter." Grey scoffs and shakes his head in disapproval.

I rub my eyes then drop my hand down to my sides. "No, it's not, actually. It's just me. And I told you to shut the fuck up." I say, my anger starting to rise.

Lately, the boys have been getting on my nerves, they've just been pissing me off. I never realized how fucking annoying and childish they all are. I look up at the Jumbotron, we only have 2 minutes left of our first training session. We aren't doing anything, we're just sitting around shooting the shit. Spencer is on a phone call and there isn't really any time to do anything.

Fuck it, I'm leaving early.

I can't stand to be near any of the boys any longer.

I slap the blade of my hockey stick on the ice, to get the snow off the blade then I push Myles out of my way. Myles was caught off guard, his feet fly up and he lands hard on his back on the ice. I hear him groan in pain but I don't turn back to check.

Boo calls my name but I ignore him. I open the gate on the boards, push it open, step off the ice and slam the gate close. When the gate closes, it slams so hard it shatters the plexiglass.

Fuck, that glass is weak. I barely even did anything. I hardly used any muscle. Oh well, I'll have Davis pay and take care of it.

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