Chapter 44- Listen To Me On This

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The one fucking thing I hate about the State tournament is that everything is lined up for us, we don't get to do anything we want to do

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The one fucking thing I hate about the State tournament is that everything is lined up for us, we don't get to do anything we want to do. Eh, well, I guess, this isn't the time to fuck around. This is the biggest tournament in high school hockey in New York State. Every New York high school hockey team's goal is to make it here.

This is my third time coming to the State tourney. My freshman year we didn't win, we lost in a shootout. Last year we didn't win because I was a dumbass and got myself kicked out of the game then the boys choked and fucked everything up, we lost 3-1.

Fuck, that was a shitty game. I don't even like to think about it.

Our hockey program is one of, or the top hockey program in all of New York State and we haven't won a fucking State title. I don't know how it fucking happens but we kick ass all through the season, make it to State and choke. Seems like it's been like that every year, even before I got on the team.

Hopefully this year will be different. I'm not on the ice but Scott is top notch. I mean, he's not as good as me but he's second best. I want to win State one fucking time so bad. One, to say that I did and get the program it's first ever State title. Second, I know Clutch doesn't have much coaching left in him so to get him a State title would be fucking awesome. Then third I want to rub it in Davis' face when we win.

Davis always talks about the State championship game in his senior year. Davis benching himself to stick it to Clutch. Davis didn't get it his way so he took himself out of the game and flaked on his teammates. That's one thing I could never do the boys, I could never bail on them. They're my boys. We're a team. We win together and we lose together. There's no 'I' in team, just a me but that's besides the damn point. What I'm trying to say is that Davis is a fucking selfish prick and I want nothing more than to win State, prove my father wrong and rub the victory in his face.

Scott and I are roomies again. At first I was annoyed because I can't seem to fucking escape him but I figure there's no point in fighting Clutch on it, he won't change his mind so it is what it fucking is.

I'm starting to get the feeling, I'll never be able to get away from the kid so I guess I have no choice but to suck it up.

The hotel room is basic. You walk in from the front door, a bathroom on your left, a closet with a mirror sliding door across from the bathroom. Two queen beds on the left wall, a black wooden nightstand separates the two beds, two matching dressers placed against the wall opposite the beds, a flat screen TV mounted on the wall with a mini fridge under on the same wall as the dressers. A window with a heater across the room, a lounger with a floor lamp to the left of the window, and a desk with a roller chair to the right of the window. From the door to about 8-9 feet ahead is black tile, the bathroom is black tile and the rest is a black and grey carpet. The walls are a light grey. The comforters are white. Basic.

The sound of the bathroom door opening wakes me up but I keep my eyes closed. Scott comes out of the bathroom, I hear his footsteps on the carpet, he's trying to be quiet but the meathead drops something or knocks something over, making a loud as fuck crashing noise.

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