Chapter 3- I'm Home, Mom

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I toss and turn pretty much all night

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I toss and turn pretty much all night. I barely sleep. With all the stuff I have on my mind it would be a wonder how one would be able to sleep. My mind is just rambling. I think about Hazyl, Hazyl being pregnant with my kid, my supposed father's in the hospital, I moved five hours away from home, my best friend is gone. Yeah, it's a lot. I look at the alarm clock on my nightstand, the time reads 6:58AM. It's early but not that early. I usually wake up for school at seven-thirty so it isn't that bad.

Clearly sleep isn't on my side so I kick my blankets off, get out of bed and walk to the door. The sun isn't up yet but the sky is getting lighter. The apartment is dark but not completely black, there is enough light to see in front of you.

I walk in the kitchen, turn the stove light on and start making a pot of coffee. While that brews, I open the fridge to get the creamer. Something out of the corner of my left eye catches my attention, I close the fridge door and look to my left, toward the dinning room. Nate's sitting there, in the dark, alone. The creamer almost falls out of my hand from him scaring me.

"Oh, jeez. Nate, what the hell are you doing? You just about gave me a heart attack." I put my right hand over my head.

Nate just chuckles in a low tone. "Sorry." He mumbles.

"Wha- What are you doing? How long have you been sitting there?" I turn and pour the steaming coffee into a cup then I add the creamer and mix it.

"Not long. Couldn't sleep." Nate says.

I join him at the table and sip my coffee. I nod. "Yeah. Makes two of us." I set my mug on the table.

"Thinking about Davis?" Nate asks. The morning sky getting brighter outside.

"Mmm, a little." I say. I'm still not ready to tell Nate about Hazyl and the baby. I don't really want to tell anyone until we know for sure that there is a baby in Hazyl's stomach.

Nate puts his elbows on the table. "Do you want to talk about the whole Davis thing?" Nate asks, pulling me from my thoughts.

I slump back in my chair and look to my right, out the window. "Do you think anyone told my Mom?" I mutter then I look back at Nate and take a sip out of my coffee.

Nate looks down at the table and traces patterns on the tabletop with his fingertip. "I... Uh... I don't know."

"Do you think she cares?" I fire back quickly with a small laugh.

Nate looks up at me. "Do you care?," I look at him unsure how to answer him. "I know he's your biological father and all that but um... you know that even though he's never been present in your life, it wouldn't be a bad thing to worry about his wellbeing."

I don't say anything for a minute. I know it wouldn't be a bad thing but it is to me. I don't want to feel this concern for Davis. Davis has been nothing but disrespectful to me. Some part of me, the part I rarely, if ever acknowledge, hopes that Davis never wakes up from the coma.

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