Chapter 15- Someone That Isn't Nate?

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"Hey, Rylin

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"Hey, Rylin." I say as I come out of the back room, carrying a bin filled with ice for the soda machine. I set the bin on the counter, turn to my right and lean my left side against the counter. Rylin turns her head towards me. "Have you seen or happen to know where my mother is?" I ask.

Rylin dries a mug and puts it under the counter, where we keep the cups and coffee mugs. "All she said was that she was going out to lunch with a friend. I don't know anything more." Rylin gives me a polite smile then she walks away to go serve tables.

A friend? Mom never mentioned to me about her having made any friends from college. Oh wait, it's lunch time already? I look up at the clock on the wall and the clock reads 12:14PM. Jeez, I guess it is lunch time. Since Davis got home from the hospital, I've been bringing him our lunch specials from here at the cafe. Rylin says she needs a break from Davis so that's what started the whole thing with me bringing Davis lunch. She packs it and I deliver it, plus I also help Davis with his rehab.

I turn around, grab the grocery bag from the back counter, walk around the counter and go straight to the door. I stop at the threshold and look back at Rylin. I wait for her to look my way, when she does I nod my head and she waves at me. It's kind of my way of saying 'I'll be back later' without having to use my actual words.

Someone holds the door open for me then I walk out of the cafe, walk down the two concrete steps, turn left and walk towards my car. I just about reach the passenger side of my car when I see Weston coming my way. But he isn't alone. Walking beside Weston is that new guy.

"Hey, Scott!" Weston greets me.

"What's up, West." I greet back and give him a fist bump then I turn my attention to the new kid. "You take anyone out with a snowball today?" I say with a snarky smile.

The new guy looks at me with a smug smirk. "I get it, bro. It's tough when a new big dog rolls into town," I smile annoyedly at him. "I mean, if you were the big dog to begin with, not to sure where you rank now though. but I feel you, man. Just hang in there, it'll get easier."

I really don't like this guy.

Just then both Weston and the new guy's gaze moves past me. I turn my head and look over my left shoulder and see Hazyl and Ember walking side by side coming our way.

"Still being dramatic?" The new guy says to Hazyl.

Hazyl looks at the new guy with pure annoyance." Still here?" She jabs back and it makes him laugh.

The girls walk by us and the new guy turns his attention to me. "Looks to me that you've got some history with Hazyl, huh? Or with Ember. Or maybe with both? So what'd you do? Cheat on one with the other?" The new guy asks like I'll tell him anything. I'm so close to punching this dude in the face.

Wait, how did he know the three of us have a history? I look at Weston as if to say 'You told him?' But Weston sees me glaring at him and he holds his hands up in surrender. "No, Scott, I swear, I never said a word," Weston drops his hands to his sides. "He's got like...magical powers or something."

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