Chapter 29- Prisons More Comfortable Than This

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You know what sucks about being a light sleeper?

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You know what sucks about being a light sleeper?... Being a light sleeper. You hear everything. Like right now, one minute I'm sound asleep then the next I hear my bedroom door burst open and the sound of my stuff being shuffled through. If I was a heavy sleeper then I would've slept right through it but I can't.

I slowly open my eyes just as Mom is taking all my books off my bookshelf then dropping them in a box, then she takes the pictures and my wall decor off my walls. She's really going to town with stripping my walls. I have the whole US continent with each states license plate in their respective state, she took every one down. She swipes clear the top of my dresser that had a picture with me and Nate from when I was a baby, a signed basketball from Stephen Curry and just little trinkets.

Mom's going around my room like a tornado. I lean up on my elbows, watching her. "Mom, what are you doing?" I ask in a raspy groggy and confused voice.

She's on a mission. Mom doesn't stop as I ask my question. "You want to live in my house, under my roof and go against my rules?" Mom says as she yanks down the Beatles poster I had on my wall by the door. "You sure as hell aren't going to be comfortable doing it." The box she has in her hands is full to the brim. She storms to the door but stops when I start to talk.

"Really? We're still doing this about the test thing?" I sit up and shake my head. "I'm sorry, Mom but this isn't your life, it's mine. And I don't want to take the test."

Mom whips around with the angriest look on her face. She scoffs. "You know, if I had been as selfish and stubborn as you're being right now, you might've not have been here." She's talking about when Davis asked her to get an abortion with me but she went against his wishes.

"You can't make me take that test, Mom. You can take everything I have or threaten me and my friends all you want but... You can't force me to take the test." I say pointedly and shrug my shoulders.

Mom deeply scowls at me then she rounds my bed and stands at my bedside. "Yeah, well, we'll see about that." Mom stares down at me then she grabs my blanket and yanks it off my bed then she grabs my pillow and holds it under her arm. She storms back over to the door.

"Mom!" I yell in disbelief. I'm left with nothing but the sheets on my bed and I'm only dressed in my PJ bottoms. Stunned by Mom's actions.

Well, that's one way to wake up, I guess. I look to my right, at my nightstand and see my phone. She graciously left my phone but she took the charger. I reach over and grab my phone, the time reads 8:34AM. I guess I'm up for the day. I get out of bed and decide to get ready.

Today is the first game of the playoffs. We're playing against Malone tonight in Malone. Neither Kain and I are playing. I know the guys will do just fine without us but I'm still nervous about the game. Anything could happen. It's knockout round so if we lose then we're done. I'm not ready for my first year as a Wolf to be over.

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