Chapter 48- I Fought Back

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It's only 8 in the fucking morning and it's already been a long day

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It's only 8 in the fucking morning and it's already been a long day. I had to get up extra early this morning because I had to do two phone interviews with HockeyNews and Puck, That's Hockey! Each interview was about 30 to 45 minutes. They asked boring as hell questions. They asked how it felt for to be back on the ice and almost winning State. They asked where I plan on going to college, or If I'm going to skip college and go straight to the draft.

Basic questions.

I'm surprised but fucking glad that none of the questions they asked revolved or even mentioned Davis. It would've been to early in the damn morning to get pissed off. I thought that since we didn't win State, I wouldn't have to do these interviews. I figured they'd be dying to talk to the guys that won. Guess I was wrong.

But speaking of Davis though, the guy is probably pissed at me for disobeying him. He hasn't spoken to me since we got back to Dalton. I think I should piss him off more often so he doesn't talk to me. I could go the rest of time not having a single conversation with the fucker.

I still can't get over the fact that the bastard was choking me so hard that I almost fucking passed out. And he left a bruise on my neck from the assault. I had to fucking lie to Scott about it last night when he noticed and tried to talk to me about it.

Scott's getting suspicious about Davis' behaviour lately. He keeps bringing it up. I don't know why I don't just fucking tell him everything. I shouldn't keep protecting Davis and hiding his violent side.

It's fucking embarrassing, that's why I can't tell him.

The only person who knows the whole truth about Davis' abuse, besides Mom, Davis and I is Ayla. And she had to to witness it before the championship game. That's one of the reasons I didn't stay long in Grey and Myles' room, back in Buffalo.

I went to Ayla's room to talk to her about what she saw between Davis and me. Then we spent the night having our own party. Our party, of course, didn't include us wearing clothes.

To be completely honest, I just wanted to be with Ayla after what she saw with me and Davis. The horrified, scared look on her face when she saw his hand around my neck, choking me is not what I want her to see again. I knew she was fucking scared so I wanted to be with her and let her know that I was okay.

That night was basically me telling her that this is the end of us. We need to stop seeing each other. I can't keep running to her when shit hits the fan. It's not good for either of us.

That night was the last one for me. I'm done stringing Ayla along.

"Bro, I love almost winning State. It's been an endless steam of pussy since we got back." Myles says as he gawks at a blonde chick walking by. She smiles and waves at him.

"Right. All we have to do is pretend to be sad about losing and the girl are right there to coddle us. With their vaginas." Boo chimes in.

"I had three girls texting me begging me to go to their house and fuck. Life is so fucking good right now." Grey says next.

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