Chapter 83- Into The Unknown

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It's been a little bit of a rough couple of days since the time capsule got released

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It's been a little bit of a rough couple of days since the time capsule got released. Specifically, for Hazyl. She's been getting some unwanted attention from our peers and a little bit of some bullying has been coming her way.

The police took down the main video but the video was clipped and reposted so many times that it's impossible to keep track.

And, even though the cops took down the video, the video will always be in cyber space. I know you all think that's what Hazyl gets for taking her clothes off in a high school time capsule video, but you have to know that Hazyl and along with the rest of us, we all thought that no one in this century would see the film, so, really, we could've done whatever we wanted.

I've been doing what I can to take as much of the weight off Hazyl as possible, taking her to the movies, cuddling her, you name it, I tried. Anything that doesn't revolve in her using her phone, I attempted with her.

Yesterday's school day was basically me keeping Hazyl distracted, close to me and isolated from everyone. No one would say anything mean to her while I was around, they'd attack Hazyl when she'd be alone. It's mostly girls that have been bullying Hazyl. And, I have to say, Hazyl tells me everything the girls have been saying and I swear girls are meaner than guys.

Girls, I think, are verbally meaner then boys. Ya'll females are nastier and ruthless with your words. My God.

This morning, I decided to pick up Hazyl and drive her to school. So, that's where I'm currently headed. I park by the sidewalk outside Hazyl's building then I text her to let her know that I'm here.

I should've told Hazyl that I'd meet her at school instead because, now, we're crushed for time. We're not late but by the time we get to school, we have 5 minutes to hurry to our lockers and get to class. I even got to Hazyl's early, thinking we'd have time to spare. Clearly, that's my mistake. I knew Hazyl would rather finish glossing her lips than step out of her place with naked lips.

Being late is not okay with me, not since I joined the hockey team here. Clutch installed and drilled it into the team and me that if you're on time, you're late and if you're early than you're right on time. Practice starts at 3 on the dot and Clutch expects us to be dressed, ready and on the ice at 2:59 sharp. This one time, one of the guys showed up to practice at 3 and Clutch made us do bag skates the entire practice. I think it traumatized me since because I hate being late to anything now.

Anyway, the point is, is that Hazyl and I are on our way to school. We walk side by side toward the building and because I'm such a good guy, I offer to carry Hazyl's bags for her. As we near the front entrance, I look to my left and see Kain hanging out with his friends over at the picnic area. It's nice to see them utilizing that space again and that it's nice enough outside to be hanging out there.

Warm weather is upon us, folks!

Kain and his friends are always late for class so I'm not surprised they're out here right now.

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