Chapter 88- Burying Our Friend

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Today fucking sucked

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Today fucking sucked. Today is definitely in my top 3 most hated days in my fucking life. Today is Myles' funeral.

Fuck, I still cannot believe I'm saying that. The words feel foreign and fucking weird. I still can't believe it. Myles is dead. Gone forever.

It's been 4 days since the fucking shooting and everyday that passes, the more angrier I get. It's my fault Myles is fucking dead. I knew the boys would follow me into the fucking school. If I never ran in to save Ayla, Myles would be fucking alive today and at that, I'm so fucking furious at myself.

Ayla would've been okay had I not try to save her. Jerek is and will always be a pussy, he was never going to shoot off his gun and hurt anybody. He was just hiding behind the fucking gun. If they never attacked Jerek, Myles would still be here. I'm the sole reason Myles is dead. I killed my  friend. I will never fucking forgive myself.

I've never attended a funeral a day in my life so this is a first for me.

Myles was a good fucking guy, he didn't deserve to die over my stupid actions. And, just like I said, Myles is a good guy, therefore, there was a fucking ton of people that showed up for the funeral. The entire church was filled, no standing room and people had to wait outside.

At Myles' Mother's request, she asked that a certain amount of people go to the burial. So here we are, me, the boys, Tawny, Ayla, and Myles' family at the graveyard.

I stand here, dressed in all fucking black on this hot as fuck day. I stuff my hand in my slacks pockets watching the casket get lowered into the ground. "Goodbye, Myles. Until I see you again, brother." I whisper into the air.

Myles' Mother cries loudly as she watches her only son go 6 feet under the ground.

This fucking sucks. I hate funerals.

Once they lay the casket at the bottom of the grave, they let us grab a handful of dirt and toss it into the grave. When I finish doing my part, I stand under a tree to get some shade and wait for the boys to get done.

After they get done contributing burying our friend, they come over and stand around in front of me, creating a circle.

"I can't believe he's fucking gone." Grey says when he comes up to me.

"Fuck, I know, it's crazy." I answer him.

"Yeah, you got that right." Grey speaks and I nod.

Luke and Tawny walk up to us holding hands.

I look around the circle and take in the people in front of me. Well, this is our group now. Now, it's just the 4 of us. Luke, Grey, Boo and I. There will always be an empty space in our group, one that no one can fucking fill.

Ayla is the last to join our circle. Grey stands to my right, Boo to his right then Ayla, Tawny, Luke and back to me. Ayla stands about 5 feet in front of me, squinting her eyes from the sun.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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