Chapter 22-Don't Come Home

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So I fucked up

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So I fucked up. I fucked up pretty bad. The last thing I remember is coming in dead last in the fucking race with Jud and Scott. It's like as soon as I crossed the finish line everything just completely goes black. I think I remember waking up in the ambulance but I'm not to sure. Who the fuck knows what the hell is going on at this point. I don't even know where the fuck I am right now.

The only sounds I can hear is an annoying as fuck beeping and I smell.... Bleach? No, antiseptic, I think. Wait, what the fuck, am I in the hospital right now? If I could, I would open my fucking eyes but I can't even manage that. It's like someone fucking glued my damn eyes shut. I can't stay here, I need to get the fuck out of here.

Since my fucking eyes refuse to corporate, I'll have to navigate my way out of the bed, out of this stupid room and out of the fucking building. Well, first thing first, I need to get the hell out of this bed.

Okay, I'm gonna get up in three... Two... One! My fucking body doesn't move an inch, not even a twitch. What the fuck. I try again, nothing happens. What the fuck, man. All of a sudden I hear that beeping, which I'm guessing is my heart rate monitor, beep erratically, along with other warning alarming beeps.

I definitely triggered something. Oh, fuck.

About ten seconds later, I hear running footsteps getting closer and closer, it stops at my bedside then all the beeping stops, except for my heart rate monitor, it goes back to normal rate. The fucking nurse must've put something in my IV line cause I get this huge wave of drowsiness then my ass is out cold.

I don't know how long I passed out for. I get woken up by shit happening around me. My subconscious and my mind are awake but my fucking body is like paralyzed or some shit. I want to open my eyes so bad but they just won't fucking open and it's starting to make me mad.

Before I can fight with my body to open my eyes, I fucking pass out again. I wake when I hear my hospital door open then close and footsteps nearing me. It stops at my left bedside. The room goes dead quiet for a few seconds then I feel a firm hand pressed down on my left shoulder. If my body didn't feel like sandpaper every time I breath, I'd throat punch whoever the fuck is touching me.

"Hey, Nephew." I recognize Jud's voice. His voice sounds rough and he sniffles. What the fuck, he's crying? Why, it's not like I'm dead. I'm alive, my body just won't act like it. If I could, I'd wake up call Jud a fucking pussy then I'd go right back into a coma. "I, uh, I don't even know if you can hear me but... I just wanted to quickly sneak in here before your Father finds out banishes me from ever talking to you. I'm so sorry about all of this... I should of never jumped the damn gun and allowed you and Scott on the fucking bikes. I should've just stuck with giving you boys the tour. I'm completely at fault here." Jud pauses and sighs then he continues. "Anyway, I hope you wake up soon and get better fast. I'll, uh, I'll be praying for you. It might be a while before you see me again." Jud inhales a deep breath and squeezes my shoulder then he whispers. "I'm sorry." He release his grip on my shoulder.

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