Chapter 6- Just Missing Her

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You know what fucking sucks? When my alarm goes off on my phone to let me know that I have to start getting ready for school and it interrupts my drinking time

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You know what fucking sucks? When my alarm goes off on my phone to let me know that I have to start getting ready for school and it interrupts my drinking time. I was having a good 'ol time drinking my sorrows away when my alarm went off then Boo texting me saying he'll meet me at school. And another thing that sucks, is that it hasn't even been a fucking week since Ayla left me. It's been six days. And I haven't heard a peep from her. Nothing. Like she fell off the face of the earth.

This has been the longest fucking week of my life. I've barely slept, barely eaten, I've been walking around like a fucking zombie. I feel like when Ayla left, she took everything inside me, now I'm left with just the exterior of my body. I feel hollow and empty. I fucking hate this shit. Remind me to never ever let someone in like I did with Ayla. I never want to feel this shit ever again.

Since Davis nearly kicked the can, somehow word got out that he was in the hospital and I've had reporters, news people calling me or emailing me asking questions about Davis' condition or his health. It's fucking annoying. I don't want to talk about Davis nor do I give a fuck about how he's doing. The guy should've stayed in a fucking coma for all I care. And what the fuck is with Davis asking to talk to Scott? He didn't even ask to see or talk to me at all. Oh well, Scott can replace me so Davis can beat the fuck out of him. I don't fucking care.

I managed to drive myself to school, despite me being drunk. So here I am, at school and my buzz is starting to wear off. I make my way to science but I keep stumbling into people and almost tripping over my own fucking feet. I need to get a grip and compose myself before I take another step. I move to the side, out of peoples way and lean against the wall. I rub my eyes with my right index finger and thumb.

When I close my eyes, everything starts to spin. Fuck, I feel like I'm about to be sick.

"Kain!" I hear someone say my name. The loud voice makes my ears rings. I quickly duck my head and cover both of my ears. I slowly turn around and see Luke, Boo, Grey and Myles coming my way. They walk around me and stand in front of me. "Yo, what's up, bro?" Myles says and lightly pushes me in greeting but since I'm fucking drunk, that light shove almost makes me topple over.

Luke reaches out and helps steady me. "Woah, dude, you good?" He looks at me concerned.

I open my mouth to say something but when I open my mouth all four boys plug their nose and wince. "Holy fuck, man! Did you brush your teeth with fucking Vodka?" Grey says and fans in front of his face.

"Fuck you guys and fuck off." I say then push Boo and Luke out of my way and walk down the hall but I don't make it far. My right foot gets tangled with my left foot and I hit the damn floor. "Fuck sakes." I mumble under my breath and roll onto my back. I hear some of the people walking by laughing at my expense. I look up at the ceiling and just lay there then I hear rushing footsteps and Boo and Luke come into my line of vision.

They help me up on my feet. "We're taking you home, Kain." Boo says while he holds me still.

"Yeah, what the hell is wrong with you? You can get in serious trouble coming to school drunk." Luke mutters next. I groan and hook my arms around their necks.

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