Chapter 55- This Place Is Mine

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It doesn't feel to good to be friend zoned by the girl you have deep feelings for

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It doesn't feel to good to be friend zoned by the girl you have deep feelings for. It doesn't feel good to be friend zoned at all, really.

I'd like to think that in some parallel universe there could be a time that Hazyl and I can be together and make it work but then the reminder of being hit by the friend zoned pops up and my thoughts vanishes.

I wonder what made her randomly say that we're friends? We were friends before but what make her say out loud? I don't know, that girl is confusing.

"Hey, stranger." I tease as I walk up beside Ember. "What are you on this side of the woods?" I nudger her with my elbow.

Ember turns her head to the right and grins then looks ahead of her. "Just out for a stroll." She answers.

Ember's locker is on the second floor and on the other side of the school so I don't see much of Ember these days, plus she mostly spends all her time with or at Coopers.

"So how are things with Cooper? Leighton giving you a hard time yet?" I prod.

"Things are good. And no, Leighton is adorable as always." Ember smiles while talking about Cooper and Leighton. Ember looks genuinely happy. Seeing her happy makes me happy.

"That's good." Is all I say. I'm secretly rooting for their relationship. My feelings that I once had for Ember are... faded? I mean, I still have a tiny sliver of feelings for her. I think I'll always have some sort of feelings for Ember but I can see how happy she is with Cooper. And he's my friend. I'm just glad they're together.

Besides, I'm going to get Hazyl back and that's what I'm going to focus on. Hazyl is the one that I want.

"Hey, if I'm not mistaken, it's someones birthday tomorrow." I smirk toward Ember. "Got any plans?" Ember and I stop walking and stand face to face by the locker, out of other peoples way

Ember shrugs her shoulders and shakes her head. "Not really. I mean, Hazyl and I have a tradition we do every year then me and the fam will probably just get takeout and watch a movie."

Tradition? That's the first I'm hearing about this. Obviously it intrigues me.

"What kind of tradition?" I question.

"You know the fountain in the park?" Ember looks at me and I nod. "Well, we strip and get in." She laughs. I look at her like she's absolutely insane. I've never heard of anyone doing this before so I'm shocked. Ember laughs harder at my expression then she calms down. "Yeah. Hazyl says it's to cleanse my body and mind for the new year and to shake off the bad things that happened last year. Aaaannnndddd Hazyl does it because she's Hazyl."

I'm still trying to wrap my head around Hazyl and Ember's crazy tradition. It's like 20 degrees outside and gets colder at night. "That has to be freezing." I shiver at the thought.

"Oh yeah but we get in the water for a second then we get out, it's fun." Ember says like it's the most easiest thing in the world.

"And when does this naked dip in the fountain happen?" I ask.

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