Chapter 62- Adrenaline Of The Game

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I slam the front door in Scott's face and lock it

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I slam the front door in Scott's face and lock it. One fucking annoying person down one to go. I turn around and my gaze lands on Ayla standing there with her arms crossed over her chest and a deep scowl on her face.

"You're such a dick." She says like it's supposed to rip me apart.

I just shrug my shoulders. "So? I am what I have." Or however the saying goes. Close enough, I guess. "You can leave too." I jab my right thumb over my shoulder.

Ayla makes no move to leave. I take two steps closer to her, peering intensely down at her with a glare. She blazes at me just as hard. Her and I have the most intense stare down, I think I've ever had. Then just when I think she's about to soften up, she says, "You won't throw me out." She challenges.

We continue our stare down for a moment longer then I scoff and slip by her. Damn, Ayla fucking beat me there.

I walk into the kitchen and go straight to the bottle of JD on the island countertop. After an hour of searching for the damn thing, I finally fucking found it. It was under the sink, way at the back behind some cleaning products.

Davis has numerous alcohol stashes throughout the house, it's kind of fun to find each hiding spot. So far, I've found 3, I don't know how many he has but I'm determined to find out.

I sit on the island countertop, twist off the cap, bring the bottle to my mouth and tip my head back. Ayla comes in a bit later carrying a broom and dustpan. She walks to the glass mess, almost right in front of me and sweeps the broken and shattered glass into the dustpan. The glass mess I made when I was first looking for the JD bottle. There's no fucking way I'm helping her clean my mess. I didn't ask her to clean, she's doing it on her own so she can do it all by her fucking self. I'll just sit here and sip on my drink.

The room is quiet except for the glass scraping on the floor and the glass emptying into the trash bin. Ayla and I haven't said a word since I kicked Scott out. It takes her about 10 minutes to clean the first mess then she rounds the island and examines the knocked over hutch.

Fuck. The hutch. Yeah, Mom's gonna be fucking pissed when she sees that I knocked over the hutch. Everything in there had some sentiment value and meant a lot to her. My bad.

Well, I had to fucking get Scott to leave somehow, knocking over the hutch seemed like the best thing to do in the moment. I also owe Mom a new dinning chair. I'll just pretended I'm sorry then forget about it.

Grunting noises from behind me sounds, making me look back over my shoulder and see Ayla trying her hardest to lift the huge piece of wood. I silently scoff and turn back around. "You're wasting your time, you know. You might as well leave, you'll never lift it." I say with my back to her.

Ayla mumbles something incoherent and tries to lift the damn hutch again. Before I know it, I'm rushing to Ayla and stopping her before she hurts herself. "Stop." I put my right hand over her right hand and stop her. "I'll just get someone to come clean it." My voice coming out soft and low.

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